[SOLVED] Windows update issue and DISM errors


Normally it should not take longer than a few minutes. You could try to kill tthe proces and run Uninstall.exe again.
Before the reboot make sure the folder C:\FRST\.. is deleted.
The uninstall.exe does not remove the folder and just keeps running.
I have tried to manually remove the folder but I was prompted that I needed Administrator privileges to do so.
I have taken ownership & set Full Access to my admin account on the folders.
Now when I try to delete the folders, it prompts that it is in use by another program. I have even renamed the 'InFlight' folder to 'InFlight.old' but still get the same message.

Is it safe to reboot and then attempt to delete the folder?
I have drilled down into the folders and there are various dll's that when trying to manually delete they state they are in use by many different system processes.
I will attempt to resolve this on Monday. I'm not going to risk rebooting this on a Friday evening.
Hmm, strange and there is no update pending? Let's see next Monday after a reboot.

Have a nice weekend!
It does still have an update pending installation
But the C:\Windows\WinSxS folder no longer contains a Temp folder.
The C:\FRST folder I have managed to clear out the majority of the data there are just a few folders containing dll files and such like.

I would try a reboot first, then check the C:\FRST folder and specifically the "Quarantine" folder, this directory must be empty.
I was a bit hesitant to reboot this server.
I connected to it and the updates had attempted to re-install themselves & was prompting that it was going it had a scheduled reboot at 13:30 today.
So I've manually rebooted it, it cam back on, thank goodness.
However the FRST folder is still not able to be deleted and Windows Updates are attempting to download again.
Each folder I go into and attempt to delete the files within I get an error that a different process is accessing the files. This is just an example of what is there.
Updates have been attempting to install everyday it seems.
I've submitted a ticket with our hosting providor to see if they can do a restore of it.
I am pleased to say that I have had a backup of this server restored.
I'm even more pleased to say that after it attempted to install the update KB5022838 which has resolved the issue. There are no pending updates and everythign looks good.

Thank you for your perseverance and contiuned support in attempting to resolve this issue, it is really appreciated.


You're welcome. Glad to here the problem has been resolved after restoring this server from a backup.. (y)
I'll mark this thread as solved.

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