[SOLVED] Windows Update KB5046612 is failing on Server 2016 - Error 0X80080005

Then it should be a Generation 1 VM and not Generation 2.
Do you recommend to delete reg keys manually which were not deleted the Farbar tool and try to to install the update again ?
Yes, please try to remove them manually and post the result.
It is a Generation 1 VM. I will go ahead and delete the reg keys and try to install cumulative update again.
Thanks for the confirmation that it is a Generation 1 VM! Let me know the result after deleting both keys and attempting to update again.
I have deleted the reg keys which were not deleted by the script and installing the December cumulative update manually.
Will report back with the result.
Hi, While waiting for the update to finish I like to mention here that the server I am working on is the Clone of the production server since we could not make so many changes
and reboot the production server during business hours. So if the registry fix works on clone then it should work on the production server as well, correct ?
Another update: the cumulative update KB 5048671 was successfully installed this time :) .
So, after removing the following registry keys the update was successfully installed.

"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\Taskcache\Tasks\{1246B409-4F26-4476-B1F2-A8BEE5734D5F}" /f
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\PI\SecureBootEncodeUEFI" /f
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\Taskcache\Tasks\{1246B409-4F26-4476-B1F2-A8BEE5734D5F}"
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\PI\SecureBootEncodeUEFI"

Thank you so much for your time. Just a quick question, Like I said in my previous post can I apply the same fix on the production server since both servers are identical.

You're welcome! Yes, you can use the same fix when the SecureBootEncodeUEFI task is missing.

Open the start menu and type Task Scheduler and hit enter.
Navigate to Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > PI
I will check it out if the production server is also missing the same secureboot and apply the fix.
Will keep you posted. Thank you.

Secureboot is also missing from the production server. I will try to schedule a maintenance window today or tomorrow to
apply the fix and install windows update. I will keep you posted.
The Fix has worked on the production server as well !!. A huge thanks to you. I really appreciate your support.

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