Windows update stuck on checking for updates

We will try another command that is a little bit different to see if it refreshes the icons this time. Open up command prompt and enter in the following:
ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
DEL "%localappdata%\IconCache.db" /A
shutdown /r /f /t 00
I figured out the issue with the Icons. I uninstalled IconPackager 5 without reverting back to default icons which caused the corruption. Reinstalling it and reverting back to default fixes the problem. Now the only thing left to do here is to figure out why my metro apps are gone, including the metro store, and how to get them back :D
Ah, if I knew you had customer icon installers I would of started with that!

What start menu customizer do you have installed?

I am really sorry for the delay. I have had some unplanned personal issues arise that will take up a lot of my free time until the end of the June.

This question with the start menu would be better asked in the Windows 8 forum.

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