You Sir are a genius.
It has updated successfully!
I am completely blown away by your expertise and professionalism.
Not only that but your perseverance and patience with me was extraordinary.
I simply can't thank you enough.
I am tempted to ask you what happened to stuff up my Windows so badly but I fear I would never understand it.
A donation to you is coming your way. I wish I could pay youmore.
Just know my gratitude and respect for you is beyondanything I can say or offer you.
Humbly yours
It has updated successfully!
I am completely blown away by your expertise and professionalism.
Not only that but your perseverance and patience with me was extraordinary.
I simply can't thank you enough.
I am tempted to ask you what happened to stuff up my Windows so badly but I fear I would never understand it.
A donation to you is coming your way. I wish I could pay youmore.
Just know my gratitude and respect for you is beyondanything I can say or offer you.
Humbly yours