OK, guys, maybe there's something wrong with my installation, but basic analysis in multiple threads is _much_ faster on my system. The app (+kd.exe) spends most of the time on I/O so CPU is rather idle, even for more than 20 threads. I wrote simple test app that invokes some commands: ".reload, !analyze -v, r, kv, lmtn, lmtsmn, .bugcheck, !peb, !sysinfo machineid, !sysinfo cpuspeed, !sysinfo smbios" (every command invoked separatedly) for each of the .dmp files in directory containing the app. I utilize the PowerDbg via automation (which, in fact, uses the cdb.exe debugger), so it's quite heavy solution, but still much faster than current version of the SysnativeBSODApps. Of course, it's only debugger part of the app, but I suspect, that all other activity (downloading drivers.txt file, parsing the text files and combining into result files) is rather negligible. For example, analysis of 90 sample minidumps in 20 threads takes about 6 minutes, which in SysnativeBSODApps takes more than 100 minutes.