
Ace - I had 20 threads enabled so managed to analyse 20 threads at once. You are correct, I do have an i7 and 6GB of physical RAM.

The reason for the major speed difference between the two runs was due to the different WinDbg versions. If you haven't read this thread, take a look --> https://www.sysnative.com/forums/bs...us-windbg-6-2-8229-0-huge-time-disparity.html. 6.11 is FAR faster than any newer version of WinDbg.

Ran the same 136 dumps again on 6.11 - 46 seconds. The issue with 6.11 though is that it doesn't work properly with Windows 8 dumps.

I reckon that it took a maximum of 4 seconds for each thread to start then end.

Not the best screenshot, they were starting and ending so quickly but:

Screenshot - 12_02_2013 , 08_28_16 PM.png

Red threads are ending, the green ones have just started.
"CPU Usage: 100%"

Also, the video seems corrupt? WMP won't play it for me. I have a good set of codecs too, and AVI isn't excluded from anything I can play lol.

edit: You posted the same link? :confused2:

lol look:
[plain]Feel (Well, watch) the speed ---> [S][URL]https://www.sysnative.com/teknovenus/VeryFastProcessing.avi[/URL][/S][B] Compressed version (9MB compared to 60MB) available here ---> [URL="https://www.sysnative.com/teknovenus/VeryFastProcessing.avi"]https://www.sysnative.com/teknovenus/VeryFastProcessing.7z[/URL][/B]


I have to navigate to https://www.sysnative.com/teknovenus/VeryFastProcessing.7z manually :lol:

edit: It's the same video though, still corrupt.
Last edited:
Yeah, still not working for me, so you've somehow recording an odd format of AVI. I know about VLC, but it's sound quality for playback is not nearly as good as WMP or even Itunes by defualt without any kind of equalization. Which is why I just don't have it installed anymore. I hardly watch videos on my PC unless it's Netflix lol. I've had many players before, VLC is not really much different, it just comes with lots of codecs. You can find all the ones it uses though to be used for most other players however too.
The video plays OK on my system with both WMP and VLC. Try VLC Media Player, that works with everything!!

Apologies about the link error, not quite sure how I managed that! :lol:

New link, it works fine for me ---> https://www.sysnative.com/teknovenus/VeryFastProcessing2.7z

Works well for me in VLC. Thanks Stephen!

The multithreading is definitely awesome on the right system. I had been testing it through VirtualBox on a WIndows 7 VM, so I didn't know the full advantage of it until this weekend when I ran it in Windows 8. I've been working so much on research lately that I've rarely ventured outside Ubuntu on my dual boot of Ubuntu and Windows 8.

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