[SOLVED] After failed 8.1 upgrade, Windows Update shows error 800F0831, sfc shows corruption

No it wouldn't. Also, I just re-read your first post, you are trying to upgrade to Windows 10, is that right?
Ultimately I would like to get to Windows 10, yes, but I still don't know why the 8.1 upgrade failed just that it corrupted Windows 8. My fear is that even when we do get Windows 8 repaired I wonder if I will have the same corruption again, or worse.
Alright that's good, keep me updated :)
Well something failed along the way and the laptop is sitting at the recovery console. I have screen shots on my phone but for some reason can't get attachments to work. Will try posting them later from another computer.
If you want, you can upload these pictures on Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or an image hosting website and post their URLs here.
I periodically took photos of the progress just in case. I took this one


then walked away for a short while and returned to this


I assumed this was yet another reboot during setup so I chose what was highlighted, Windows Setup but immediately after selecting it I got this screen stating my previous version of Windows was being restored


The laptop is now sitting at this screen


I've tried Continue but it reboots to the recovery console. I haven't done anything else since.

Is there any way to find out why the Win 10 install failed and why I can't boot into 8?
When you boot into Windows 8 from the second screenshot, do you end up on the forth screenshot? Or do you end up in the third screenshot when you boot into Windows 8?
I was only prompted by that second screen shot once, now I only get the fourth at boot. If I pick Continue I get Preparing Automatic Repair for a few seconds then get returned to the fourth screen.
What options are available to you under "Troubleshoot"? I encountered the same kind of issue after a failed Windows 10 upgrade attempt on my desktop computer, and it forced me to reinstall Windows 8.1 (clean). I was also stuck in the Recovery Mode, between Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 so nothing was working.
Sorry for the delay but I am back in business and am still running the affected Windows 8 install. Thankfully I created a restore point just prior to installing Win 10 and was able to recover using rstrui.exe ("The System Restore console where you can restore your computer back to earlier restore points.").

Do you think we/you could still try to repair this using the "long way" and is there any way to try to determine why Win 10 failed to install? Also, these same symptoms of the upgrade failing just before completing (and leaving me at the recovery console) are what happened when doing the Win 8.1 upgrade and ultimately leading me to start this thread.

I don't recall asking you this question in this thread so I'll ask it just in case, do you have your Windows 8.1 installation media?
No I don't. I am still running the preinstalled Windows 8, which came with this ASUS laptop. It doesn't have a DVD drive but I think there is a partition somewhere with the Win 8 install, right? I haven't tried but with help can surely create install media on a USB drive if needed.

Also, I am still having issues with Windows 8 activation, I am being reminded regularly to activate but the process always fails. Last night I even ran "slui.exe 4" to activate via the phone (see The Tech Cookbook – Windows Phone Activation — Windows 8) and despite the process ending with a note that Win 8 was successfully activated I am still being prompted to activate.

Finally, this hasn't happened in at least a couple of weeks but all of a sudden today I am being prompted every 10 seconds to run Windows Update.


This keeps popping up no matter how many times I click "Go to Windows Update".
Ultimately, you could Refresh or Reset your Windows 8 system using the built-in Recovery partition and try to upgrade to Windows 10 again. There's more chances of success that way.
Thanks. Of course, I'm inclined to try a Refresh before a Reset but I'm curious if you know that if I create another restore point just prior to refreshing and if for some reason the refresh fails, would I be able to get the laptop running again using that latest restore point or does the refresh process clear out all restore points?
The Refresh process would clear out the Restore Points in my opinion.
I thought as much. I would think the refresh wouldn't fail but am just paranoid as both the Win 8.1 and the direct-to-Win 10 upgrades both failed toward the ends of their processes, which I'm sure is related to some existing Win 8 corruption since I'm having strange issues related to WU, product activation, etc.

I will back up personal files and give refresh a go. Hopefully I can then close out this thread. Thanks for all your efforts.
No problem calanan, good luck. Let me know how it goes :)
Hi, I did the Refresh and it seems to have cleared up almost all of my problems except for one Windows Update error. When I first ran WU after the refresh I had almost 180 updates. The Win 8 machine was able to install all of them except for one, KB3043812, which gave the error 8024200D:


I decided to try sfc /scannow and it does report an error:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow

Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.

Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.

Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired
them. Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For
example C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. Note that logging is currently not
supported in offline servicing scenarios.


Do you have any thoughts? Would you like me to upload that CBS.log somewhere?

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