Banned from z3r010's sites

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As many know, I left SF after posting 11,000+ posts within eight months. I worked very hard there to help as many users as I possibly could on a daily basis, and I was easily dismissed, by my own request, when I felt unappreciated. That easy dismissal just goes to show how unappreciated I really was, so I know my decision was well warranted.

And your help was appreciated - by the users you helped. By your own volition you admit that you left left because you felt unappreciated. Mike, It's not the admins job to pat you on the head. If you felt unappreciated - it's the users who failed to thank you that are at fault. Not the admins. It shouldn't be the job of admins of any site to continually thank you for doing a good job. You were appreciated - you were given the BSOD badge. Expecting the admins of any site to beg and plead for you to stay just isn't the done thing. I hate to say it my friend, but the decision being 'warranted' was not justified.

I don't get 'pats on the head' - I'm lucky to get a thank you from a poster, never mind rep. But I don't blame the admins - I lay blame where it's deserved. On the ungrateful users.

I've mentioned before I can understand the ire at how some of you were dismissed. I truly do. Some of you have a valid reason to be angry. Some borderline and others - well... If it were a court I wouldn't expect to come out a winner.

Ultimately SF is John F's site. He can do with it as he pleases. If removing some healthy tissue along with the cancer is what it takes to ensure longevity - then so be it. But the simple fact is - the patient will survive.

Tell you what: When you post 45 times a day, make sure every thread is read in Crashes and Debugging, make sure no threads in that section are missed in a 24 hour period, train others to debug, work on developing a debugging software tool for debugging crashes and debugging to help others learn because the SF admins block access to tools already available, etc. then we'll talk. Until then, you cannot understand the stress I was under and the work I was doing to help SF with very little gratitude shown to me by z3r0. I'm sorry, but your response shows that you were not aware of how hard I was working at SF to help OPs and make sure they got the best help possible from those I was training.

Here is an example of something that never happened from the time I started reading every thread in C&D back in February to the time I stopped two weeks ago: I have seen dozens of disheartened users at SF since I left with similar threads to that one.

Alright Jonathan, thanks for helping that user out. You may also be interested in:
  32. A real doozie:

And I think that is it for up until the last 24 hours. The above are all threads that need some extra help or need an initial response since the time I left SF and then z3r0 took out another large portion of Sysnative members. I hope you will help out at least the most recent. I'm not saying anyone should do all of them as many are old and not likely to respond, but the ones in the past few days could use help. :( Good luck!
Yes it is the the admins job to thank the regular posters, granted posters respond differently to different perks so to speak, Z3Zero buys some high end hardware to keep them happy, others he creates new badges, maybe he should have tried a simple thank you Pm(who knows maybe he does for some) bottom line if you keep the regular contributors happy they will continue to contribute, this is supposed to be enjoyment and R&R not drudgery.

I completely agree! It really shouldn't be a whole lot different from a work environment where the boss is expected to provide both positive and negative feedback and reinforcement and rewards when earned. When I first started in VF, Z3 awarded me badges before normally done and three times in just the first few months gave me 1000 points of rep out of the blue as a reward for something particularly good or as a general reward for the work I was doing. Of course, things changed quite a bit in my last few weeks. While my intentions were to improve the forum, the situation was interpreted as disruptive to the team environment and WHAM.

Was it totally unjustified? No. Given my history, could it have been handled differently so as to preserve an asset by discussing my issues and either doing something to fix them or explaining why I was wrong about them? Absolutely. Either way, it would have stopped. I may have left anyway of my own will depending on how it was finalized, but another job of an Admin (especially an owner) is to recognize good assets (which he'd already done) and try to preserve them if possible instead of just writing them off with no effort to resolve things in a less extreme manner.

And people can help in any number of forums - here or many other places. There's nothing magical about Z3's forums that make them a better or more important place to help people. If the environment is no longer one that is satisfying, there are other options where one can both help others and regain that satisfaction. It's not being a martyr. It's making a personal decision based on the circumstances (for those who were or are given the choice to decide).

That is absolutely correct Zero can and does as he pleases he has every right to, as for survival if you keep making people mad at you it'll come back and bite you in the behind someday, personally I'll work harder to make that day as soon as possible.........................

By creating a better forum here and/or in other places, soon people will learn where to go for help (some forums already far surpass Z3's in terms of volume and opportunities to help). If top people are simply removed for little or no reason and the environment becomes one which negates much of the good obtained by helping others, then there's no reason not to find a better place to help. If what was said was true, then the forum isn't as important as providing the help. If the forum is one where doing that is made easier and rewarded (and not filled with fear and loathing wondering if the axe will fall and maybe even why and potentially seeing it spread much further throughout the forum than it is here in this one thread - and in several other forums where again I see it mentioned but only in one thread outside the support mainstream), then so much the better.

I'm not sure I'd burn my bridges (if that already hasn't been done as Z3's spies report that post and he bans "as requested" again as he's already done before which can only be from reading this or having others do so and report back to him), and might just walk away. Then again, I might also feel it's important to explain the reason so the point is driven home even more clearly (if Z3 cares or even thinks there is a point other than abusing power because he can and being far too emotional for someone with that level of responsibility) and eventually sinks in and alters what is clearly inappropriate behavior for all the others who remain (and help THEM since helping other members is also important if not the key objective of the forum - though it should be a key objective of a forum owner).

And BTW, surgeons who remove cancer do remove some healthy tissue in the process to be sure - but it's done with care and as little as possible. Here it's being done with a SOG SEAL 7" Team Elite Combat knife instead of a #10 scalpel.
That is absolutely correct Zero can and does as he pleases he has every right to, as for survival if you keep making people mad at you it'll come back and bite you in the behind someday, personally I'll work harder to make that day as soon as possible.........................
I understand your angst, but that is the behavior J & K exhibited that started this whole schmear campaign. Two wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do.

@AKA, my friend, you're popular with me. :grin1: You've been a lot of help with my over zealous overclocking efforts.
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AKA said-
Andrea Borman,myself wrote-
Seven Forums-
You have been banned for the following reason:
Persona non grata.
Date the ban will be lifted: never.

That's what you call being very nasty.

AKA said-
No love, that's Latin. And apt.

Well I did not know what persona non grata meant. I thought it was Spanish.But when I looked it up on Wikipedia it said it means person not welcome.

AKA said-
Andrea Borman,myself wrote-
Well from reading the many posts on the web from other members who have been banned from Seven Forums for no real reason.

AKA said-
No, there is always a reason. Just because it is not apparent, does not mean there is no reason.

AKA said-
Andrea Borman,myself wrote-
Oh yes. I looked back on the website and saw that. Sorry,spelling mistake. I am probably thinking of Sean Penn,Madonna's ex husband,who was called Shawn and his name was spelled Sean.

AKA said-
No, it has always been Sean. He was called Sean because his name is - Sean.

Well Madonna's ex-husband Sean Penn,is it pronounced "SEEN as in seen" or "SHAWN?"
I remember when their wedding was announced on the television in 1986,the newsreader pronounced it "Shawn" like Brinks real name. Andrea Borman.
Sean is always pronounced Shawn, never any other way. Confusing, but then again so are a lot of people's names.
Sean is always pronounced Shawn, never any other way. Confusing, but then again so are a lot of people's names.

Thank you for telling me that. So the name Shawn can either be spelt Sean or Shawn,but the pronunciation is Shawn. Just like Jane can be spelt Jane or Jayne, but the name is the same-Jane. Andrea Borman.
Seriously guys, if some individual wants to ban you from their site, your better off else where, anyway. There are heaps of sites out there that need skilled people like you guys.

I have never been to SF and probably never will, but that's my choice. Probably more so now, though.

Whats that saying "When one door closes, another door opens".
Well after the way they treated me at Seven Forums.

Banned me for no reason and then gave me that nasty ban message"persona non grata," every time I logged in. And also the way they have treated other people as well.It is clear that the people who run Seven Forums are not very nice people.

So I am better off away from there. And other people are also finding out what the admins or moderators are like on Seven Forums. So you are right,we are better off away from seven Forums and it's no loss that we have been banned. Andrea Borman.
Did it occur to anyone that it may have been a malicious attack? It's not unheard of for admin accounts to be compromised preceding a mass banning.
Cayden if that was the case then after this amount of time you would consider it at least a point of import that the admins contact people to inform them of the situation and keep them appraised of their progress in solving the issue,From what is being reported there seems to be a continuing predilection of banning,I have no axe to grind with anyone from that forum not a member never have been and on the one occasion someone asked me to consider joining I said no simply because I did not wish to nothing to do with anything at the forum,I do find it somewhat strange so many people have be shown the door particularly when they are skilled in more than one area, and the paring down of members\staff in such volume would tend to leave a distinct weakness in the forum to function as it previously has and best serve those members requiring such skills,To me that is some thing akin to defeating the purpose of having the forum
You make valid points, I suppose I was being naively hopeful. It is a mystery and forever will be, the best thing we can do is hope for the best for Mr. Fairbrother's websites and crew then move forward with our lives.
i understand that the thread on the other forum was in a vip thread which is not public ...
True enough about the SF VIP Lounge forum thread.

However, their VIP Lounge forum is accessible by thousands+ of their ~200k+ members (I am not privy to the exact number). I would not exactly describe that as a non-public forum.
. i dont need to substantiate whether the rejections were appropriate or not,
i stand by my words, it is clear that the people here that were rejected don't like it, understandably, but to hold ones head up and get on with things would be a far better stance.
I certainly don't feel rejected in the least.

I agree with you about moving on; however as I have instilled in my kids - when falsely accused, seek the truth by any & all legal remedies available and publicize it, not only for yourself, but for the sake of others that may suffer the same fate in the future.
again my point to the owner of this site!

people are jumping on the band wagon to put the boot in, possibly dragging the reputation of the professionals and the site here down further .


.what is incredible is that this post is made available to the public.( if i were a MVP i would give this place a massive wide berth so as to not end up with any mud on myself)[/
I am sorry that you feel MVPs or anyone else should steer clear of Sysnative Forums out of fear of retribution. Unfortunately, that sentiment has been repeatedly echoed for the last few months and reluctantly, I chose to let it go. Not this time.

I'll say it again -
jcgriff2 said:
I am a big believer in public disclosure. If the truth hurts, so be it - and that applies to me too.
This thread does not involve agents of the CIA or NSA dealing with matters of National Security. A discussion of Tech Forums and unfair practices does not need to be held in the White House Situation Room. A thread such as this is the best venue, IMO.
let me say that my previous posts were based on what i have seen HERE, i dont need to go around reading terms and conditions of other sites before considering a post.
Of course not - your comments are certainly welcome here. I could care less what rules other sites impose on their members -- they do not apply here, especially gag orders.

I'll end for now with a few quotes by former President Ronald Reagan. . .
“When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”

“To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.”

“Don't be afraid to see what you see.”

“We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

I think that when good people who donate huge amounts of their time and efforts in helping people deal with their very difficult Windows problems over time are then treated as spammers on a forum (particularly one that has made money due to the help these and other people have freely given to users of that forum), well, I would say that they have every right to feel aggrieved (treated wrongly; offended).

As one great man once said:
Nothing can be more hurtful to an honourable man than that he should be accused of bad faith
~ Mahatma Gandhi quotes
I was banned from SevenForums a LONG time ago, but it seems things escalated, and I thought it was silly when I was the one to get banned for no reason, and even more so now that i'm seeing everybody seems to be getting banned.

First time ever that I was banned, and it was from a big site like SevenForums, I did not appreciate that at all. I've been a member of 100's of forums prior to that, and not once even received so much as an infraction or warning, let alone a ban. Everybody has mistakes, I recently had a PM at TSF because of something I did; small, and not a big deal, so they only let me know that I could not do that. Being a member of lots of forums though you have to frequently differentiate between what is allowed and what is not allowed from forum to forum that you're a member of because after a while everything seems the same lol.

My ban notice from SevenForums still shows, but I couldn't get an answer as to why:
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

This was before I even received my MVP award as well.

I was promoted to the Developer's group there, I had the orange userbar and everything, and the only logical reason I could think of for my ban, is that I had a text link back to my forum on that application (not even a clickable link).

I'm sorry though, what I released to my forum, and tried to share over at SF, i'm not going to change just for their benefit. Can I not have a copyright of my own on my own apps? I didn't even get a warning for that to tell me that it was not allowed. I did not post any links, I did not argue, I didn't do anything else which was against their rules.
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Well I have just got back after a couple of weeks on vacation and what a polava I have missed! It is a shame that such a big well known forum is banning without reason and for what appears to be for nothing than joining another forum. I myself, (and many others here) have been aorund on various internet fourms for a few years now and have seen the barmy things site owners/admins get up to when they get upset about a little nothing. I myself do think its a little overboard what has happened, but has been done has been done. A few members here have the right to be upset and have the right to have their say (most deservedly.) However I do now think it is time to pay attention back to life ahead, not what has passed and get back to helping those in need of help.

Just my $2 - Cheers!
I agree with my partner

The past is the past. Life lives in today and dreams of tomorrow.

Team ZigZag

From a much beloved quote.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment.


Rest in peace.
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At least here on this forum we are free to talk about being wrongly banned from another forum.And have freedom of speech within reason.

When I posted about my ban from Seven Forums on Neowin Forums. They changed my thread from public view to private view. Which means that only members of Neowin forums could view it. And they and I had to log in to read it. And it was not visible on the web or in the search engines,like Google.And I got a few replies. But then a moderator came along and locked the thread.Telling me it was against the rules on Neowin forums to talk about being banned from other forums.And that my thread was locked, and also under review as it is against their rules. And that's the moderators were locking the thread.And they did do.

So on Neowin forums,if you have been banned from another forum,even if wrongly banned or treated badly on another forum. And you post about it,it is against the rules. And your thread will be re-set from public view to private view,locked and even deleted.

Which is ridicules. And I was and still am,very upset and angry about this. As what is so different about my story about being wrongly banned from Seven Forums for doing absolutely NOTHING wrong. That would made a forum change my thread from public view to private view on the web.And then lock it.

And as the moderators on Neowin forums had already made sure that nobody on the web could read my thread. By changing it to private view. Even though a few hours earlier Google had already indexed it. But now when you clicked on the web link you got a message saying you had to log into Neowin to see the page. So my thread had disappeared from the web anyway. So locking the thread was pointless.

But Neowin forums are very strict. And that's what they will do if you post about being treated badly on other forums or being wrongly banned from another forum.

They make out they are not but they are. And also a lot of posts get deleted on Neowin forums. If you write a post that they think is off topic or they don't like. A moderator will come along and delete it.

The other day I posted on a thread about IE10 on Neowin forums and I said I will never install IE9.

And my words I wrote was-" Ask me when I am going to install IE9 or IE10 on Windows 7? The answer is NEVER." Nothing offensive about that. But a moderator deleted that post. But that was all I said.

And also I wrote a really good tutorial on a thread that I had started myself on how to avoid the July 2012 update to Windows Live Essentials 2011 on Windows 7. And stay with WLE 2009. But it was spoiled by several stupid comments from other members of Neowin forums,saying things about me,that were nothing to do with the topic. And a moderator locked my thread.

See here-
There has been a lot of posts on the web from Windows users who are not happy with the forced update by Microsoft from WLE 2009 version to WLE 2011 version. And many threads about it on others sites from other people,not just me.

And 2 nights ago another member started another thread about it on Neowin forums. And I replied on that thread. And the moderators locked that thread as well. See here-

So I can't help wondering if Neowin forum are locking the threads because of me. There is such a thing called read the signs. And sometimes if you are not welcome on a forum.They can make life uncomfortable for you by locking your threads or any thread that you post on and other things. And locking the thread is a way of saying you're not welcome.

Neowin forums are becoming a real pain in the neck.I am just giving you an example of some other forums. Andrea Borman.
I guess Neowin are locking the thread to stop it getting out of hand, the issue of the banning belongs with another forum and not with them. Each forum to their own.
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