BSOD nvlddmkm.sys


Nov 1, 2012
Hi guys !

So i have a Latpop Acer Aspire5750G : i7-2630QM , 8 GBDDR3 Memory and video card NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M Cuda 2GB . I`m having the following problem : While i have the nvidia driver installed ( latest one , or the one from acer website , the one from Nvidia website, it doesn`t matter ) and want to play wow or sc2 , the screen blockes and it pops a Blue Screen error with the following msg : . Also i can install the Nvidia driver after i install the Intel Driver first, if i don`t have the intel driver installed i can`t install nvidia driver.

I observed that if i unistall the driver the laptop stops blocking and the blue screen error no longer appears but the performance are very very low and barly can play . Also want to mention that the laptop was bought new, and the guarantee just expired 1 month ago .
Anyone have any idea how can i solve the problem? I`ve read some forums but nothing was good for me .

Thank you and i hope you guys can help me with this matter !
Hello and welcome to Sysnative Forums!

Anyway, could you please follow these instructions - Please follow the BSOD Posting Instructions so I can look at your dump files to help you with your issue. Thanks!

Hi guys !

So i have a Latpop Acer Aspire5750G : i7-2630QM , 8 GBDDR3 Memory and video card NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M Cuda 2GB . I`m having the following problem : While i have the nvidia driver installed ( latest one , or the one from acer website , the one from Nvidia website, it doesn`t matter ) and want to play wow or sc2 , the screen blockes and it pops a Blue Screen error with the following msg : . Also i can install the Nvidia driver after i install the Intel Driver first, if i don`t have the intel driver installed i can`t install nvidia driver.

I observed that if i unistall the driver the laptop stops blocking and the blue screen error no longer appears but the performance are very very low and barly can play . Also want to mention that the laptop was bought new, and the guarantee just expired 1 month ago .
Anyone have any idea how can i solve the problem? I`ve read some forums but nothing was good for me . Also want to mention that i didn`t had the Nvidia driver installed at the moment of those steps , if this helps you . ( i bought the laptop and initially OS was Linux now using Windows 7 64bit )

Thank you and i hope you guys can help me with this matter !



In the future, please don't start two separate threads for your issue. I didn't know you'd posted the files. Please, in the future, just post the files in the same thread, thanks! I will delete the old thread since all the info is in this one.

I do not currently have time to run your dumps. I will try to do them later, but someone else might pick up this thread in the meantime.

I appreciate your patience.

Sorry , i forgot to delete the other one , or i forgot that i can edit the old one , waiting for your reply meanwhile.
Hello again,

I'm free now, so lets take a look.....

Unfortunately, no dumps are listed in the file. We need the dumps as they are the only record of events leading up to the BSOD. To stop them being deleted when/if you have more crashes, don't use CCleaner or any temporary file cleaners until troubleshooting is finished as they can delete dump files.

Check in C:\Windows\Minidump for any files. If you find files in that folder, please zip them up and upload them. If not,

To ensure dumps are set up for future dumps, follow these steps.

  1. Click Start, right-click Computer -> Properties.
  2. Click Advanced system settings, and then click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Settings under the Writing debugging information area, and then make sure Kernel Memory Dump is selected.

When you have your next BSOD, Windows will create dump files. Run the BSOD collection app from the posting instructions once you have had some more BSOD's and attachi it to a new post in this thread.

In the meantime, I can offer the following recommendations:

You're missing a lot of drivers:
Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller    PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0194&SUBSYS_05041025&REV_04\4&CE47FF8&0&00E3    The drivers for this device are not installed.
Standard VGA Graphics Adapter    PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0DF4&SUBSYS_05051025&REV_A1\4&14168479&0&0008    This device cannot start.
PCI Simple Communications Controller    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A&SUBSYS_05041025&REV_04\3&11583659&0&B0    The drivers for this device are not installed.
Base System Device    PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_16BE&SUBSYS_05041025&REV_10\4&2B4E00C3&0&02E0    The drivers for this device are not installed.
Base System Device    PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_16BF&SUBSYS_05041025&REV_10\4&2B4E00C3&0&03E0    The drivers for this device are not installed.
SM Bus Controller    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C22&SUBSYS_05041025&REV_04\3&11583659&0&FB    The drivers for this device are not installed.
Open device manager and look for devices with exclamation points next to them. If you cannot see the warning exclamation points, click View -> Show hidden devices. Install the relevant drivers for the devices.

Please uninstall DAEMON Tools. This software uses a driver called sptd.sys which is a known BSOD cause in Windows 7. Uninstall the software using Add/Remove Programs. Once the program is uninstalled, run sptd.sys uninstaller to remove the driver from your system.

As an alternative, many people recommend the use of Total Mounter or Magic ISO

Hello again ,
I installed the nvidia driver but now i my laptop just shut down 3 times in about 10 while i was playing WoW . when i done the steps again i didn`t unistall the nvidia driver so guess you will find out the problem now . I also veryfied the Kernel Memory Dump and it`s selected . Meanwhile i have to install those missing driver, those could be the problem , i doubt about .
Also i uninstalled Daemon Tools .



Are there any other drivers for you graphics card availible from Nvidia? Try a different version than the one you're using. When you remove the driver, Windows uses the built in driver. It's not optimised for the cards so is very, very slow but does work. My computers not on right now so I can't look at the dumps right now but expect another reply soon.

Looking at the attachment, still no dumps are attached. Could you check some more things:

Check in C:\Windows\Minidump for any files. If you find files in that folder, please zip them up and upload them.
Check to see if a file called MEMORY.DMP is located in c:\windows\
If no files are found, please read this page:

Could you also look for other drivers as I said in my previous post.


Now, i just got a BSOD and i have made those steps again and attaching them to you . I`ve looked into C:\Windows\Minidump and there`s no file (however there`s a lock on the file also ) . I've also installed all the missing drivers . Hope some dumps appear now or smth like that, i really don`t know much about laptops or pc so that`s why i am struggling so hard , thank you once again for your time . I've checked folder Windows now and yes there is a file called Memory.dmp but it has 399 MB ,tell me what to do next is getting very frustrating :( .


Hello again,

Sorry to keep pushing for dumps but I do need them. It's not your fault that they're not being made, it's rather odd. Some background information on why I need the dumps:

When Windows encounters an error it cannot recover from, it produces a BSOD. When the BSOD happens, Windows does 2 things. It dumps all the information in the RAM into a memory.dmp in the C:\Windows folder and only certain information into a minidump file, which is much smaller. These files are the only record of what went on just before the BSOD and therefore the only way I can help you. The memory.dmp file is replaced every BSOD.

Running the file collector app in the posting instructions collects, among other things, the minidumps from the C:\Windows\Minidump folder for me to look at.

If you can, try and upload the memory.dmp to an online storage site such as Rapid Share or Skydrive.

Whilst I try to work out why your minidumps aren't being created, please do the following:

Windows Updates
Although you are updated to SP1, you only have 2 updates installed:
Hotfix(s):                 2 Hotfix(s) Installed.
                           [01]: KB2534111
                           [02]: KB976902
Most systems have 120-130 updates installed. Please go to Windows Update and install all available updates. Not many may appear at first but install them, reboot and more will appear. Install them, reboot, install the next set and so on.

I will enquire about the fact to minidumps are being made.

Hi again,
Sorry for my late answer, i have updated windows and installed all the updates , i can`t upload the Memory.dmp file though , it says acces denied and also can`t select run as administrator , can u tell me how to do it ? then i will upload it on rapidshare and give you the link .
To upload the memory.dmp, copy the file to another location, eg - desktop, and upload that copied file. Note - the original memory.dmp file will be replaced after each BSOD.

Yay, a minidump! Finally! :)

Thanks for that, I'll look at them ASAP. Expect a reply shortly...

Had some feedback about lack of minidumps:

Try doing the following:

  1. Click Start, right-click Computer -> Properties.
  2. Click Advanced system settings, and then click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Settings under the Writing debugging information area, and then make sure Small Memory Dump (256KB) is selected.

Ok, had a chance to look at the minidump.

That dump you gave me was for a 0x116 bugcheck, one of the most illusive BSOD's since there are so many different causes for it.

Some background information.

H2SO4 said:
"It's not a true crash, in the sense that the bluescreen was initiated only because the combination of video driver and video hardware was being unresponsive, and not because of any synchronous processing exception.

Since Vista, the "Timeout Detection and Recovery" (TDR) components of the OS video subsystem have been capable of doing some truly impressive things to try to recover from issues which would have caused earlier OSs like XP to crash.

As a last resort, the TDR subsystem sends the video driver a "please restart yourself now!" command and waits a few seconds.

If there's no response, the OS concludes that the video driver/hardware combo has truly collapsed in a heap, and it fires off that stop 0x116 BSOD.

There are so many potential causes to this BSOD, and I'll start by testing the easiest ones, moving onto the more difficult ones. I'm not going to be able to get a solution to this instantly, so I need you to be patient and co-operative. Lets try the following causes to start with:

Overheating - It is possible that your machine is overheating. Monitor the computer temperatures with some temperature monitoring software. Possible software includes

Graphics Driver Re-install: Try some older drivers for your card if the current one still has issues. You said uninstalling stopped the BSOD's so this is my primary suspect, hence why I'm asking you to try different versions of the driver. This is the correct way to do driver updates rather than the updater

  1. Download the drivers you want for your display card(s)
  2. Click Start Menu
  3. Click Control Panel
  4. Click Uninstall a program

  • Uninstall the NVIDIA Graphics Driver (this should uninstall all NVIDIA software and drivers)
  • Restart your computer
  • Make sure NVIDIA 3D Vision Driver, NVIDIA 3D Vision Video Player, NVIDIA HD Audio Driver, and NVIDIA PhysX System Software are not still listed under Uninstall a program through Control Panel
  • If any remain of the above, uninstall one at a time
  • If asked to restart after uninstalling any of the above, do so, and continue uninstalling any remaining NVIDIA items until all are removed
If this doesn’t work, try this method:

  1. Login as an administrative user
  2. Click Start Menu
  3. Click Control Panel
  4. Click Hardware and Sound
  5. Click Device Manager (the last link under Devices and Printers)
  6. Expand Display adapters
  7. Do the following for each adapter (in case you have multiple display cards)
    • Right click the adapter
    • Click Uninstall (do not click OK in the dialog box that pops up after hitting Uninstall)
    • Put a tick in Delete driver software for this device (if this option is available, otherwise just hit OK) and hit OK
Once the drivers have been uninstalled, reboot your PC. Then install the driver you downloaded earlier once Windows starts. If there are issues, try another version of the driver.

SFC Checker - It is possible that a corrupt system file is causing issues.Please run the sfc /scannow checker to check and repair important system files. To do so, follow the below steps.

  1. Open a command prompt window as an administrator. To do so, click Start and type cmd. Don't press enter!. Then right click the top entry(cmd.exe) and then "Run as Administrator"
  2. Type the following command - sfc /scannowand press enter. Note - there is a space between the sfc and the /scannow
  3. Wait!
If it reports that Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations, then all is well. If it attempts to repair files, reboot the computer and try again. It can take up to three reboots and runs to fix everything. If it still says it found issues, attach the CBS.log file to your next post. It is located here C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log.

I know this is a lot but work through them one at a time and you'll be fine
Hi again,

So i did the step with the temperature first , then unistalled nvidia driver and took a very old one 280.093 smth like that ( prevoius version that i had was 309.963 ) . Atm i didn`t got the BSOD until now , got a feeling that this was my problem , but when i oppened application RealTemp , seen some temps of 90 + still the program said ok . want to mention that i also did the sfc /scannow and it was well. hope i won`t get the bsod , i addition i have a cooler for the laptop but i think this isn`t good enough for it since the temp si so high . I also seen that my WoW wasn`t using Nvidia performace so i added and now i have 60fps + and good gaming resolution . THANK YOU VERY MUCH , hope i don`t get the bsod again , if i will , i will get back to you . Waiting for some advice with the temperature .
Wish you all the best !
That sounds promising! :)

Regarding temps, 90 degrees seems very high. It could be a program error. Try this program and report back the temps at idle (no load): Speccy - System Information - Free Download

If another BSOD occurs, take a look for a new minidump and upload it here so I can look at it.


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