Microsoft PnP Utility
PNPUTIL [/add-driver <...> | /delete-driver <...> |
/export-driver <...> | /enum-drivers |
/enum-devices [<...>] | /enum-interfaces [<...>] |
/disable-device <...> | /enable-device <...> |
/restart-device <...> | /remove-device <...> |
/scan-devices [<...>] | /?]
/add-driver <filename.inf | *.inf> [/subdirs] [/install] [/reboot]
Add driver package(s) into the driver store.
/subdirs - traverse sub directories for driver packages.
/install - install/update drivers on any matching devices.
/reboot - reboot system if needed to complete the operation.
Add driver package:
pnputil /add-driver x:\driver.inf
Add multiple driver packages:
pnputil /add-driver c:\oem\*.inf
Add and install driver package:
pnputil /add-driver device.inf /install
/delete-driver <oem#.inf> [/uninstall] [/force] [/reboot]
Delete driver package from the driver store.
/uninstall - uninstall driver package from any devices using it.
/force - delete driver package even when it is in use by devices.
/reboot - reboot system if needed to complete the operation.
Delete driver package:
pnputil /delete-driver oem0.inf
Force delete driver package:
pnputil /delete-driver oem1.inf /force
/export-driver <oem#.inf | *> <target directory>
Export driver package(s) from the driver store into a target directory.
Export driver package:
pnputil /export-driver oem6.inf .
Export all driver packages:
pnputil /export-driver * c:\backup
Enumerate all 3rd party driver packages in the driver store.
Enumerate all OEM driver packages:
pnputil /enum-drivers
/disable-device <instance ID> [/reboot]
Disable devices on the system.
/reboot - reboot system if needed to complete the operation.
Disable device:
pnputil /disable-device "USB\VID_045E&PID_00DB\6&870CE29&0&1"
/enable-device <instance ID> [/reboot]
Enable devices on the system.
/reboot - reboot system if needed to complete the operation.
Enable device:
pnputil /enable-device "USB\VID_045E&PID_00DB\6&870CE29&0&1"
/restart-device <instance ID> [/reboot]
Restart devices on the system.
/reboot - reboot system if needed to complete the operation.
Restart device:
pnputil /restart-device "USB\VID_045E&PID_00DB\6&870CE29&0&1"
/remove-device <instance ID> [/subtree] [/reboot]
Attempt to remove a device from the system.
/subtree - remove entire device subtree, including any child devices.
/reboot - reboot system if needed to complete the operation.
Remove device:
pnputil /remove-device "USB\VID_045E&PID_00DB\6&870CE29&0&1"
/scan-devices [/instanceid <instance ID>] [/async]
Scan the system for any device hardware changes.
/instanceid <instance ID> - scan device subtree for changes.
/async - scan for changes asynchronously.
Scan devices:
pnputil /scan-devices
/enum-devices [/connected | /disconnected] [/instanceid <instance ID>]
[/class <name | GUID>] [/problem [<code>]] [/ids] [/relations]
Enumerate all devices on the system.
/connected | /disconnected - filter by connected devices or
filter by disconnected devices.
/instanceid <instance ID> - filter by device instance ID.
/class <name | GUID> - filter by device class name or GUID.
/problem [<code>] - filter by devices with problems or
filter by specific problem code.
/ids - display hardware IDs and compatible IDs.
/relations - display parent and child device relations.
/drivers - display matching and installed drivers.
Enumerate only connected devices on the system:
pnputil /enum-devices /connected
Enumerate device with specific instance ID:
pnputil /enum-devices /instanceid "ACPI\PNP0A08\1"
Enumerate all devices with specific class:
pnputil /enum-devices /class Display
pnputil /enum-devices /class {4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Enumerate all devices with specific problem code:
pnputil /enum-devices /problem 28
pnputil /enum-devices /problem 0xA
Enumerate all devices with problems and display hardware/compatible IDs:
pnputil /enum-devices /problem /ids
/enum-interfaces [/enabled | /disabled] [/class <GUID>]
Enumerate all device interfaces on the system.
/enabled | /disabled - filter by enabled interfaces or
filter by disabled interfaces.
/class <GUID> - filter by interface class GUID.
Enumerate only enabled interfaces on the system:
pnputil /enum-interfaces /enabled
Enumerate all interfaces with specific interface class GUID:
pnputil /enum-interfaces /class {884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}
Show usage screen.