Help with random BSOD and Freezing.

So you want me to report what my settings are for those areas in the bios? do you want me to put both of my ram sticks back in or is it fine to check it with one? I do not believe I have changed any settings at all in bios especially not with easytune
ok I foolishly didn't read that last part and only took down info with one stick in it is as follows

System memory multiplier 8.00ghz (auto)
Memory Frequency 1600mhz (1600mhz)
Dram Timing Selectable (auto)
Profile DDR (1.50v)
Profile VIT Voltage (1.05)
Channel interleaving (auto)
Rank Interleaving (auto)

Channel B standard (all settings are set to auto)
CAS Latency 11
tRCD 11
tRP 11
tRAS 28

tRC 39
tRRD 5
tWTR 6
tWR 12
tW1 8
tRFCO --
tRFC1 4
tRTP 6
tFAW 24
tCMD 2

Advanced Voltage Settings
CPU: 1.53750v (auto)
DRAM: 1.500v (auto)
CPU PLL: 2.500v (auto)

PC Health
CPU Vcore: 1.524v
DRAM: 1.476-1.488v
+3.3v: 3.344v
+5v: 5.040v
+12v: 10.096v
CPU Temp:37C
Slope PWM: 0.75 PWM

This is with only on stick in gonna add the other one and change/add the different values, nothing was under the settings for Channel A.
Just wanted to say thanks for your continued help man, thank you for taking your time to help me!

edit: would you like me to record values with bot in now or replace it with the other stick and record the values for that stick separate.
You could try to reset your BIOS to its default settings if you are unsure if a program changed them in the past.
The only change to do, imo, is to enable those warnings (I'd prefer to know when the cpu reaches 60celsius or when the fan are failing, wouldn't you?).
Were they disabled?
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Now you can reinstall easytune, given that it seems it is not the culprit and that it allows to check and modify bios settings.

Other things that won't hurt:
- from an elevated command prompt: cleanmgr /sageset:1 && cleanmgr /sagerun:1 (select all the options, or leave unticked the ones you prefer)
- from an elevated command prompt: dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
- eventual cleaning with your preferred tool
- defragmentation of the system drive/partition
- Checkdisk (chkdsk)/scandisk of the system partition
Sorry for the extremely belated response but I am pretty sure I figured it out, apparently the fx 9590 is a beast when it comes to putting off heat and I have some dinky stock closed loop water cooler. Well thats not enough to keep the 9590's heat at bay on stock speeds anyway, So I underclocked my cpu in the BIOS a little and now I have had no issues, I should have seen this sooner but I never saw my temps getting that high but apparently I was 8 or 9 degrees pass the thermal margin. Guess i'll run it at stock speeds the day I get better cooling. Thank you so much for your help man!

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