Latitude 9420 - BSOD every day with different description

@x BlueRobot actually similar issues. Maybe it was a bit better as now I have BSOD very often. Unfortunately I do not have any minidump from that time. Also during the working day I do not use this laptop as it is not reliable.
Should I now run the PC in safe mode as a next step as described by @zbook ?
Should I now run the PC in safe mode as a next step as described by @zbook ?
You could try it and see if you experience any crashes, it would help to determine if the issue is hardware related or not. At the moment, I'm leaning towards multiple driver issues.
So laptop was now half day in safe mode playing some video in VLC player in loop. No crash. As soon as I turn it back to Windows I had immediately BSOD - again irql_....
Seems to be really driver issues.
btw i decided to un-install iris drivers and replace them with microsoft far no bsod...several hrs
Looks like the last two crashes were caused by invalid page faults again. Have you noticed any performance impact?
You mean with Microsoft driver? Not yet as I just played video. It would be probably visible during video editing but this I do not do so often. So so far ok. But problem is now I really need intel to fix these drivers (or DELL) otherwise I have expensive laptop working like some low end mashine I guess.
otherwise I have expensive laptop working like some low end mashine I guess.
Yes and that's what my concern is. I'm glad you haven't any more crashes, although, you could leave the system as it is for the next few days and then install graphics card driver again, and then monitor for any more crashes.
So far no crash. I think laptop is now stable. I am thinking now that I will install back intel drivers and try once more. I have also already wrote to Intel support forum to notify intel, that maybe there is something wrong with their drivers.
So far no crash. I think laptop is now stable. I am thinking now that I will install back intel drivers and try once more.
That's good news, please let know how it goes with the Intel graphics card drivers installed again.

I have also already wrote to Intel support forum to notify intel, that maybe there is something wrong with their drivers.
Hopefully someone will report it to their QA and/or development team.
Hi, so I have installed back Intel Graphics Drivers from DELL (latest version) and I was almast immedietly able to get BSOD.


Rich (BB code):
    # Any other values for parameter 1 must be individually examined.
Arg1: 0000000000000411, The subtype of the bugcheck.
Arg2: ffffc9ef04ee0640 << PTE
Arg3: 0000000831f90880 << PTE Contents
Arg4: ffffde09e174ff70

It seems that the page which the PTE was pointing to has been corrupted in some manner, and considering, you didn't have any issues before installing the Intel graphics card driver, then I would uninstall again it until they've released an update which addresses the issue.

Rich (BB code):
6: kd> !pte ffffc9ef04ee0640
                                           VA ffffde09dc0c8000
PXE at FFFFC9E4F2793DE0    PPE at FFFFC9E4F27BC138    PDE at FFFFC9E4F7827700    PTE at FFFFC9EF04EE0640
contains 0A0000088A32E863  contains 0A0000088A32F863  contains 1A00000830240863  contains 0000000831F90880
pfn 88a32e    ---DA--KWEV  pfn 88a32f    ---DA--KWEV  pfn 830240    ---DA--KWEV  not valid
                                                                                  Transition: 831f90
                                                                                  Protect: 4 - ReadWrite

Rich (BB code):
6: kd> dd ffffde09`dc0c8020 L1
ffffde09`dc0c8020  ????????

Have you had one or two crashes since? Both of your posts have the same attachment.
Thanks, both of the bugchecks are essentially the same issue, and the other bugcheck appears to have graphics related function calls which would imply that the issue is most likely related to the Intel graphics card driver again.

Rich (BB code):
4: kd> knL
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 fffff501`65a97038 fffff807`3f42f1a9 nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 fffff501`65a97040 fffff807`3f42b300 nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
02 fffff501`65a97180 fffff804`b2a12fc1 nt!KiPageFault+0x440
03 fffff501`65a97310 fffff804`b2aae487 dxgmms2!VidSchiSubmitMmIoFlipCommand+0xaa1
04 fffff501`65a97460 fffff804`b2aae2ea dxgmms2!VidSchiRun_PriorityTable+0x187
05 fffff501`65a974b0 fffff807`3f24e8f5 dxgmms2!VidSchiWorkerThread+0xca
06 fffff501`65a974f0 fffff807`3f420644 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
07 fffff501`65a97540 00000000`00000000 nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34
Now it is getting more interesting. I have got a replacement laptop from DELL. So I have used it for one day and I did use default drivers delivered directly from factory and also windows 10. Everything was fine unless I wake up PC from sleep. I have got BSOD almost immediately. (wake up was next day, so probably it was in hibernation mode)...and BSOD appeared when windows desktop showed up.


Last edited:
Rich (BB code):
4: kd> knL
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 fffffd83`2e6bd3a8 fffff805`56a08e69 nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 fffffd83`2e6bd3b0 fffff805`56a05169 nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
02 fffffd83`2e6bd4f0 fffff805`53ab61e8 nt!KiPageFault+0x469
03 fffffd83`2e6bd680 fffff805`53aa7f20 wdiwifi!CTxMgr::TxTransferCompleteInd+0x17c
04 fffffd83`2e6bd740 fffff805`7110b349 wdiwifi!AdapterTxTransferCompleteInd+0x10
05 fffffd83`2e6bd770 ffffcf0b`23a1322a Netwtw10+0xb349
06 fffffd83`2e6bd778 00000016`2e6b0019 0xffffcf0b`23a1322a
07 fffffd83`2e6bd780 ffffcf0b`229ca000 0x00000016`2e6b0019
08 fffffd83`2e6bd788 fffffd83`2e6bd8e8 0xffffcf0b`229ca000
09 fffffd83`2e6bd790 fffffd83`2e6bd8e8 0xfffffd83`2e6bd8e8
0a fffffd83`2e6bd798 00000000`00000000 0xfffffd83`2e6bd8e8

It seems to be another driver issue, the exact same issue you've experienced before. The driver in question is your Intel network adapter driver:

Rich (BB code):
4: kd> lmvm Netwtw10
Browse full module list
start             end                 module name
fffff805`71100000 fffff805`7169c000   Netwtw10 T (no symbols)           
    Loaded symbol image file: Netwtw10.sys
    Image path: \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\Netwtw10.sys
    Image name: Netwtw10.sys
    Browse all global symbols  functions  data
    Timestamp:        Wed Jan 20 16:08:39 2021 (60085587)
    CheckSum:         005149D1
    ImageSize:        0059C000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
    Information from resource tables:

Please check the Dell support page for an update, if there is none available, then I would suggest checking the Intel support page. Please ensure that you only update this one particular driver.
Just to keep you updated. I was advised by intel to re-install my previous PC with windows 11. So I did it. I have completely formatted c: drive, I have used windows creation tool to create bootable USB and then I have installed Windows 11 from flash drive. After this I have followed DELL work instruction how to properly install all drives. When it was finished I started with testing. 3x video playback in Microsoft edge and after few minutes I have got BSOD. Please see attached minidump.


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