Try to run verifier again.
I've fixed and added some options to the script:
I've fixed and added some options to the script:
- Unzip on your desktop the file I attached,, and then:
- Open an elevated command prompt (right-click on windows start button, click command prompt (admin)
- Type (copy/paste) in it:
powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted "%userprofile%\desktop\EnableVerifier.ps1
- Press enter
It will reboot your machine in one second, modify your bcdedit settings and set the necessary driver verifier settings. - If you'll get a very fast BSOD after you logged into windows, or after some dozens (tenths?) of minutes, the option resetonbootfail should reset driver verifier settings (and should allow you to boot your machine in a normal state)... But if this won't happen, you'll need to go to safe mode to reset verifier settings. Once safe mode is available, from an elevated command prompt you'll type:
verifier /reset
- Post here the new verifier dump; from an elevated command prompt, launch this command:
md "%userprofile%\desktop\minidump" && copy c:\windows\minidump "%userprofile%\desktop\minidump"