[SOLVED] Unrepeatable BSOD, fixed few problems I think, more inside - Windows 8.1 x64

Would you recommend returning the Asus and exchanging it? I can do that pretty easily for the next 10 days. And wouldn't be opposed to it if recommended.
Asus makes really great motherboards. The issue is not their product design, it's their support, and this was not always the case. If you do eventually have a problem, it's not also an automatic 'you're screwed'. Their support just has gotten less good than it used to be, and in a lot of cases, it's less than desirable. To some people, this is completely unacceptable off the bat. I'm sure there's still a few people left at Asus that know what they're doing. I hope.

It's up to you, and if you do end up returning it, I'd choose Gigabyte.


Went back to NCIX yesterday after I uninstalled the ASUS adn exchanged it for a Gigabyte Z97X Gaming 5 that was on sale for 20 dollars cheaper plus a mail in rebate if I so choose. Definitely prefer its layout to the ASUS, though its software is a bit wonky. Had an issue where integrated graphics kept installing itself but that's all sorted out. It glows red which is pretty cool.

I'll ship you a hat if I crash Patrick.
Do I get a hat?
I'd like another fez, my other one died.
Woke my computer from not sleep, but the monitor was turned off. The setting the monitor turns off after 30 min, but the screen saver turns on after 5. I got a similar error to something I had before, where the graphics driver had a notification at the tray saying it stopped working but recovered multiple times before blue screening with a VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE error. Dump file attached.


What's also weird is my SSD just last night said 75 gigs free and now it says 60. I haven't installed anything at the time and it seems to fluctuate a lot without me doing anything. I'm looking to replace my HDD cause it's getting quite old now too.
My paging file size changes from 2.6 gigs, then it changes to match my 16 gigs of ram. That seems to be the issue regarding my SSD space. I guess I can manually set it to avoid that.
You betcha.


When you say "all this", this was the only issue I had. Issue being the system tray error repeating and failing to actually recover before bluescreening. The previous occurrence that I had similar to this was with the second motherboard.
I don't even need to debug 116. It's either video card drivers or GPU. We know it's NOT the board, you've been through two. Try different video card driver versions first, such as beta, or go to earlier versions. If you still crash, uninstall video card drivers, shut down, remove video card, install integrated video card drivers, and see if you don't crash. If you don't, bad GPU. If you do, bad RAM.


You know, when I took the computer to my retailer for the first mobo replacement they did say they got a crash with this gpu during stress testing. They blamed the problem on the GPU but since we were confident the mobo had an issue I forced that replacement. It's possible that both problems existed at that time and we solved for the mobo then. After I got the Gigabyte mobo, I switched from the 560 TI to the 270x again as well which, now that I'm looking back was a dumb idea for troubleshooting.

I uninstalled video card drivers and will go to beta version. Thanks Patrick.
Now I don't want to jinx it, but after I last posted I put the 560 Ti back in because it was dumb to change that as well as the motherboard. It's been 35 days since that crash and no hiccups at all. To remind us what's happened a bit:

Troubleshoot through first motherboard by new ethernet card
->changing through 3 different gpus, memtests
-> replace Z87-G45 MSI board with another one
-> trouble shoot that one by checking RAM again and again with 10 pass memtests with no errors
-> suspect PSU so contact corsair and replace that with the second PSU they sent because first one had a broken fan
-> suspect motherboard again and then I got impatient and bought the gigabyte board (Z97X-Gaming 5)
-> Got excited and put the 270X in instead of the 560 Ti, ended up with a GPU error so swapped back to the 560 Ti
-> currently 35 days crash free, last longest streak was 29 days in september from the first to 29th.

That's where I'm at so far. I'm getting pretty hopeful now and after I stretch to around 60 days without a crash I'll be pretty happy.
Glad to hear, thanks for the update. I've marked it as solved, but you can post back as always if the issue ever comes back.
No worries. Again, thanks so much for your help. I've learned a lot from this and find the troubleshooting process kinda engaging and fun until I realize it's my system and I have the live with the problem if it's not fixed.
That's a good attitude to leave with : )

It should be fixed. I've been debugging for a few years now and I've never seen a system go 35+ days without a crash if it was relatively consistent beforehand. It depends entirely on what the actual cause of the bug checks is, but 35 days is a long time assuming the system is in use for a few hours everyday at the very least.
Don't like the res dead posts but as an update a year and a bit later, no problems whatsoever have continued since the motherboard swap.

Thanks again for your guys' help. This was a crazy ride.

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