[SOLVED] [W7SP1 x64] I can't install KB4048957 (November Monthly Rollup)

I have used a few different driver update tools, but do not have any installed at the moment. Any recommendations besides Windows Update?
The MB is ASUS H81M-E but I don't see any drivers since June of 2016 - should I download & run them all?
Now I am puzzled - I downloaded the drivers for chipset and SATA from ASUS site, but when I attempted to install them, I get a 'platform not supported' error
The BIOS did not show a "Legacy Device Configuration" pane, so I am relieved ot see your previous post about doing drivers later.
As to devices, the only thing plugged in on USB is a Logitech wireless dongle for a Logitech K270 wireless keyboard/mouse set.
Previously, it was a regular usb keyboard and mouse, and updates were failing then too.
There are no add-in cards of any kind.
now you may be on to something!
I don't see any devices listed in Control Panel\System\Device Manager at all!
First time I have seen such a state!
I get an empty window, where I would have expected a device listing. I am still on selective boot if that matters
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tried normal boot and the Device Manager is still blank.
The owner of this computer did start to install Windows 10 in April, but declined to let the process complete when Windows 10 installer asked.

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