Today is Memorial Day here in the United States. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces. The holiday, originally known as Decoration Day, started after the Civil War to honor the Union and Confederate soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their Country.
Over the years the meaning of this day has been lost. People have come to think that Memorial Day is the official start of summer. Time to open up the swimming pool, invite friends over to grill meat on the BBQ, super-duper discounts, a day (or two) off work, beer, potato salad, more beer and porches draped in red, white, blue flags and other decorations that dangle from the porch as they blow in the wind.
I just want our service men and their families to know that I have not forgotten what Memorial Day is all about and I appreciate what these total strangers have sacrificed on my behalf. Today I will take a moment (or two) to pause and remember the men and women who paid the price of our freedom, and then go on about enjoying those freedoms.