Yeah, Novation hardware and Ableton have always had a strong relationship; I have a Novation Nio audio interface, a Launchpad and an 'SL2 MkII Zero' - no keys just midi knobs, faders etc.
Keyboard wise, I have what I call my 'proper' keyboard - an M-Audio 49 Radium, full size keys, a few midi controllers on it too, but for a cheap, portable midi keyboard, I have an Xbox 360 Guitar Hero 3 'keytar' controller :) - battery powered with a midi out port, I got it for about £17 brand new! (With a bit of effort and Max for Live, I've always planned to make it wireless, but never got round to buying Max for live yet)
My favourite music tech magazine is
Computer Music I only buy the occasional copy, (mainly the 'special' editions on specific topics like mastering, rather than the monthly ones) they usually include a DVD with free sample packs, but the real bonus is access to the 'CM vault' online - where you can download lots of free plugins/samples/tutorials. You can get digital editions on Google Play Magazines/Newsstand too - handy for specific back issues, and sometimes they have special offers on, I picked up a few for £2 each, a while ago. Nobody likes reading off a screen, but Play Newsstand has got a lot better over time, and viewing the content as text rather than the original pages, turns it into a nicely indexed webpage version of the mag.
My 'Bible' textbook of choice is 'Dance Music Manual' by Rick Snoman - it gets a bit of flack for typo and grammar errors, and it can be a bit daunting, especially on the music theory side, but it covers a huge range of topics. I have the 2nd edition from about 2009, which is now much cheaper 2nd hand than the current 3rd edition.
I shall stop rambling on like a geek now...