A Guy
Righteous Dude
Tell me, A Guy. You seem surprised about the results about Opera. I've found nothing bad to say about it, but unless I spend much more time configuring it (more than I want), I'm just not comfortable with it - and then I'd be just trying to turn it into IE and I suppose defeating the reasons that you may prefer it. When did you start using Opera, why did you start, what were you using before, and why do you use it now? In essence, see if you can convince me to switch or tell me what you would say to a newbie to convince them to start there before a habit has time to form.
I'm not looking to convert anyone

I have been using Opera since it became a free browser. I was using IE, and occasionally FF (I just never had a reason to have so many extensions to do this and that. I'm a simple Guy

A Guy