[SOLVED] [Win10v1511Build10586Ent x64] 0x8024200D error trying to install v1607

Please zip/attach the following log. Also, can you confirm that Procmon was running when the error came up the last time you did it?
I think I have your issue narrowed down. If it's easy enough, please disable Hyper-V and then attempt the upgrade. If it fails, do you have another computer or device you can use to receive instructions on if we need to reboot this machine into an offline environment?
I disabled Hyper-V but same error. Yes, we can operate into an offline environment!
OK, now please do the following.

1. Hold down your Shift button on your keyboard while you reboot your machine. Keeping holding the Shift button down until the "Choose an Option" screen comes up.

2. Click Troubleshoot and then Advanced Options.
3. Click Command Prompt. Eventually the command-prompt window will come up. Note: You may have to select your username and enter your password if you have one.
4. Type chkdsk /r C: and hit enter.
5. Let this finish and let me know when complete.

Once you do finish the steps however please let me know if it shows any errors found.

I think no errors found:

Controllo in corso del file system su C:
Il file system è di tipo NTFS.

Il disco sarà ora controllato come pianificato.
Il disco sarà ora controllato.

Fase 1: analisi della struttura del file system di base in corso...
282624 record file elaborati. Verifica file completata.
18159 record di file di grandi dimensioni elaborati. 0 record file non validi elaborati.
Fase 2: analisi del collegamento dei nomi file in corso...
377408 voci di indice elaborate. Verifica indici completata.
0 file non indicizzati analizzati. 0 file non indicizzati ripristinati nella cartella dei file persi e ritrovati.
Fase 3: analisi dei descrittori di sicurezza in corso...
Pulizia di 1676 voci inutilizzate dall'indice $SII del file 0x9.
Pulizia di 1676 voci inutilizzate dall'indice $SDH del file 0x9.
Pulizia dei descrittori di sicurezza inutilizzati 1676.
Verifica descrittori di sicurezza completata.
47393 file di dati elaborati. CHKDSK sta verificando il journal USN...
40080128 byte USN elaborati. Verifica del journal USN completata.

Fase 4: ricerca di cluster danneggiati nei dati dei file utente in corso...
282608 file elaborati. Verifica dei dati del file completata.

Fase 5: ricerca di cluster liberi danneggiati in corso...
83810362 cluster liberi elaborati. Verifica dello spazio disponibile completata.

Analisi del file system effettuata. Nessun problema rilevato.
Non sono necessarie ulteriori azioni.

487172092 KB di spazio totale su disco.
151388196 KB in 161969 file.
131440 KB in 47394 indici.
0 KB in settori danneggiati.
411008 KB in uso dal sistema.
65536 KB occupati dal file registro.
335241448 KB disponibili su disco.

4096 byte in ogni unità di allocazione.
121793023 unità totali di allocazione su disco.
83810362 unità di allocazione disponibili su disco.
OK, now please do the following.

1. Hold down your Shift button on your keyboard while you reboot your machine. Keeping holding the Shift button down until the "Choose an Option" screen comes up.

2. Click Troubleshoot and then Advanced Options.
3. Click Command Prompt. Eventually the command-prompt window will come up. Note: You may have to select your username and enter your password if you have one.
4. Type diskpart and hit enter.
5. Type select disk 0 and hit enter. You should see a message that says "Disk 0 is now the selected disk."
6. Type list partition and hit enter. Please reply back with what exactly it shows. For example it will be something like the following.


7. Type list volume and hit enter. Please reply back with what exactly it shows. For example it will be something like the following.

DISKPART> list partition

Partizione ### Tipo Dim. Offset
--------------- ---------------- ------- -------
Partizione 1 Riservato 128 Mb 17 Kb
Partizione 2 Sistema 100 Mb 129 Mb
Partizione 3 Primario 500 Mb 229 Mb
Partizione 4 Primario 464 Gb 736 Mb
Partizione 5 Ripristino 450 Mb 465 Gb

DISKPART> list volume

Volume ### Let. Etichetta Fs Tipo Dim. Stato Info
--------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
Volume 0 G DVD-ROM 0 b Nessun su
Volume 1 Riservato p NTFS Partizione 500 Mb Integro
Volume 2 C NTFS Partizione 464 Gb Integro Avvio
Volume 3 FAT32 Partizione 100 Mb Integro Sistema
Volume 4 NTFS Partizione 450 Mb Integro Nascosto


  • diskpart.jpg
    20.3 KB · Views: 8
Based on your output, please type the following at the command-prompt pressing enter after each line. If at any point something doesn't match what I am explaining please stop and ask.

Select Volume 3
assign letter=z:
list volume

At this point I would expect your Volume 3 (shown below) to show drive letter Z after the Volume 3 label.
[FONT=Courier New]Volume 3                      FAT32  Partizione   100 Mb  Integro    Sistema[/FONT]

If it does, continue on. If not stop and let me know.

cd /d Z:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\
attrib Z:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD -h -r -s
bootrec /fixboot
ren Z:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD BCD.old
bcdboot c:\Windows /l it-it /s z: /f ALL
Last edited:
Dear Brian,
I'm far from the PC now and I can't try your fix until tomorrow. I tried from remote, but in normal boot and not in offline environment and I received this error message:
"bootrec is not recognized...". Tomorrow I will try in offline mode.
Just one more question: I see you used bcdboot with fr-fr localization in place of it-it that is my language. Is it right?
Thanks again
"bootrec is not recognized...". Tomorrow I will try in offline mode.
Correct, you have to be booted into an offline environment.

Just one more question: I see you used bcdboot with fr-fr localization in place of it-it that is my language. Is it right?
Very good point. Yes, please use it-it. I'll also change the post to avoid confusion.
I did everything with successfull. What's now?

Based on your output, please type the following at the command-prompt pressing enter after each line. If at any point something doesn't match what I am explaining please stop and ask.

Select Volume 3
assign letter=z:
list volume

At this point I would expect your Volume 3 (shown below) to show drive letter Z after the Volume 3 label.
[FONT=Courier New]Volume 3                      FAT32  Partizione   100 Mb  Integro    Sistema[/FONT]

If it does, continue on. If not stop and let me know.

cd /d Z:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\
attrib Z:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD -h -r -s
bootrec /fixboot
ren Z:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD BCD.old
bcdboot c:\Windows /l it-it /s z: /f ALL

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