Yes. It looks like that error disappeared now completely, so I guess, you sorted it out. However, shut downs still persist. There are warnings and errors in event viewer, which may or may not be connected to it, but I am not sure... What is the best way to find out?
From the event viewer I can see these things, but can't tell, if they have any impact or the problem is elsewhere:
Critical error: 22:15:51; "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly." Event ID 41, Task Category 63 - always appears after shut down happens.
Warning: 22:15:59 "Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller is disconnected from network.", Source: RTL8167, Event ID 1. - some issue with network driver, I think? Internet connection is fine, so my guess is either I lose it during shut down or maybe somehow indirectly related, but I don't see how as I don't think anything changed for it recently as I haven't had this problem for a long time, while this warning was most likely popping up from before. Could be wrong, though.
Error: 22:16:14 "The previous system shutdown at 22:14:45 on 2021.11.02 was unexpected.", Event ID 6008.