If you already have recovery discs, there is no need to create new ones. We can proceed knowing that you have those available.
I would suggest clean installing Windows rather than restoring from the recovery discs. This ensures that you have the most basic installation and less problems can occur. To clean install, start with
Clean re-installing Windows 7 and scroll down to
Using the Custom installation option and formatting the hard disk.
Once you have installed Windows, check for any missing drivers in
Device Manager. They will be listed with a warning or error icon, or they may be listed as generic devices, unknown devices, or other devices. Determine which drivers are missing and download those drivers from the Dell support site and nowhere else. If you need help at this step, provide us with your msinfo32.nfo file:
Start Menu -> Type msinfo32 into the Search programs and files box -> When it opens, go to File, Save -> Save as msinfo32.nfo and save in a place you will remember -> Let it finish the process of gathering and saving the system info -> Right click the .nfo file, click send to compressed (zipped) folder -> Upload the .zip file here.
While some drivers may have updates via the device manufacturer, those may not be the best drivers for your system. Pre-manufactured systems often have different power schemes than user built systems. The drivers provided by the PC manufacturer (in your case Dell) are usually the best drivers available to work with that power scheme. Occasionally, this is not the case, but you should always start with the PC manufacturer's drivers first before proceeding to the device manufacturer's driver update site.
Some helpful links for updating drivers or finding missing drivers:
- Get help with Device Manager Errors in Windows Vista or Windows 7
- Update a driver for hardware that isn't working properly in Windows 7
- What to do when a device isn't installed properly in Windows 7
- Tips for fixing common driver problems in Windows 7
Use Windows Update only as a last resort for finding drivers or driver updates. It is always best to get the drivers from the PC Manufacturer first or ask us for help second.
Make sure you can read the Windows key for your system. It should be located on an OEM sticker on the case of the PC.
I would also suggest gathering all other installation keys prior to doing a clean install.