It has begun.... (COVID-19)

From the article above
the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19. This suggests, according to Briand, that the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. Briand believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due to COVID-19.
I'm not sure how true this is but I've been hearing that doctors receive more money if a death is due to Covid-19. If true, that encourages doctors to lie about the cause of death.
I'm not sure how true this is but I've been hearing that doctors receive more money if a death is due to Covid-19. If true, that encourages doctors to lie about the cause of death.

I read a post on Skeptics Q&A which suggests that this is true. They receive a slightly more additional funding which is meant to help support the hospital.

From the post:

This is true. Medicare does indeed pay hospitals more if coronavirus is listed as a cause for hospitalization or as a cause of death.

And the following:

The rationale for this 20% add-on payment is simple. COVID-19 can be significantly more difficult to treat than are other diseases, and this costs money. Another reason is that COVID-19 is pandemic. At some point, the trade-off between false positives and false negatives (it is impossible to reduce both) favors false positives.
From the article above
I'm not sure how true this is but I've been hearing that doctors receive more money if a death is due to Covid-19. If true, that encourages doctors to lie about the cause of death.
What I got from the article and subsequent checking of the number of deaths pre and post covid are the follows:

1. Pre covid deaths among all age groups, among multiple causes were let's say, an easy hypothetical round number for a pre covid and equal time frame, etc was 100 deaths per year.

2. From the end of 2019 - Sept 2020, the numbers of deaths were not more or less but now have the covid tag attached. This would still apply to your and others' supposition that they get paid more for a covid death. (I'm not denying this supposition)

I've already had an acquaintance of mine tell me how stupid I was for posting this. An acquaintance is what he'll stay.

It's simply another point of view. It's numbers. It's easily verifiable numbers from the CDC. It does however take away from the shock and awe aspect.

What it also shows us what we already know. People with underlying illness: immunodeficiency, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Pulmonary Disease, elders, etc, should take more precautions as they should anyway with or without covid.
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From what I have read, these are misconceptions

How COVID-19 Deaths Are Counted

About 30% of COVID deaths may not be classified as such

How COVID Death Counts Become the Stuff of Conspiracy Theories

Actual COVID-19 Cases Could Be 6 Times Greater Than Official Figures

The way deaths are classified, have always been classified, looks at the underlying cause of death. For example, a person how dies in a car accident, who is found to have Covid, Covid is not listed as the cause of death. However, someone who has developed pneumonia as a result of Covid, and dies from acute respiratory distress, Covid is the underlying cause of death. People who have heart conditions that get Covid and die, who would not have died at that time if they had not contracted Covid...Covid is the underlying cause of death. That person may have died from the heart condition in the next month, next year...but they died now because of contracting Covid. The majority of people who have died of Covid were elderly and had preexisting conditions. That they died when they did is because of Covid.

Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non-elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

There seems to be a trend to want to underplay the effect of the virus. Assuming you weed out the conspiracy theorists, a certain politicians "followers", etc. Is this just wishful thinking? "Maybe it's not so bad?". The US is trending very high these days yet the number of people traveling for Thanksgiving was very high. I know people are tired of the virus and the restrictions that result, but wishing it away won't change things

If Everyone Wore a Mask, 130,000 Lives Could Be Saved

Between covid fatigue, and the promise of effective vaccines, coupled with misinformation I fear things will get worse long before they get better

A Guy
The system is the culprit. Medical Examiners are Doctors but not necessarily trained in forensic pathology. The other half of the U.S. has Coroners some elected, some appointed and mostly requiring no specific knowledge to the job. In the 19th century, most people's unexpected deaths were declared a coronary since the incompetent examiner could clearly see the heart wasn't beating.

I tested Positive for Covid yesterday. My symptoms started last Friday including Fever 99-101F, chills, fatigue, mild cough, shortness of breath, and slight gastro sx.

I had a teledoc appointment yesterday and she prescribed me a Z-pack (Azithromycin), Prednisone, and the "Covid Cocktail" of vitamin D3 5000 I.U. per day, Vitamin C 500mg 4x a day, Zinc 50mg daily. One 325mg Aspirin per day. She told me to stop taking ibuprofen or any of the NSAIDs like Naproxen for fever and switch to Tylenol (Acetomenophin)only.

I think I'm on the tail end but it's been rough. I had no fever yesterday or last night but it was back this Morning which was disappointing.

I'm ahead of the curve as I've been taking 5000 IU of D3 for about 5 years and I started Zinc about 7 months ago.

Merry Christmas everybody. Hang in there, keep positive and alive!

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. - Yoda
If you're like me and Fahrenheit is doesn't mean anything, then his fever was between 37 and 38C ;)

Does Vitamin D really make a difference? I've always taken it in the autumn and winter months for years, but recently hear about the hype surrounding it and COVID.

I hope you get well soon! I'm sure you'll be okay! I know quite a few people who've had it now and they've said it's like having bad flu, think it starts getting better within a week?
I'm ahead of the curve as I've been taking 5000 IU of D3 for about 5 years and I started Zinc about 7 months ago.

My granddaughter is a nurse working on her PhD as a Doctor of Nursing Practice and told me:

Vitamin D is very beneficial for your immune system and most people are deficient. I’ve seen several studies of critical covid patients and they are all severely vitamin D deficient. Zinc is also very important

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