[SOLVED] KB5015143 & KB5014365 fails with error 0x80070643

Hmm, please post the Event logs, maybe we can find something in there?

  • Click the Start button and in the search box, type Command Prompt
  • When you see Command Prompt on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator.
    Copy and paste the following commands one at a time into the command prompt and press enter after each.
    wevtutil epl SYSTEM "%userprofile%\Desktop\System.evt"
    wevtutil epl APPLICATION "%userprofile%\Desktop\Application.evt"
    PowerShell Compress-Archive -Path "%userprofile%\Desktop\*.evt" -DestinationPath "%UserProfile%\Desktop\EventLogs.zip"
  • These commands will collect the System and Application logs and create EventsLogs.zip on your Desktop.
  • Attach this file in your next reply.
Please run the following commands and attach Query.txt to your next post.
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsLldp" /s >> "%userprofile%\desktop\Query.txt"
sc query MsLldp >> "%userprofile%\desktop\Query.txt"
sc qc MsLldp >> "%userprofile%\desktop\Query.txt"
Please run the following command to check the Security Descriptor of this service.
SC sdshow MsLldp > "%userprofile%\desktop\SDshow.txt"

Could you please check the "Installed Updates List" in the Control Panel to see if these packages are installed?
- Hotfix 5893 for SQL Server 2016 (KB5014351) (64-bit)
- Hotfix 5893 for Microsoft SQL Server Browser (KB5014351)
- Hotfix 5893 for Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer (KB5014351) (64-bit)

If not present, perform the following.

Download the
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your Desktop:

Download the 64 bit version: - Farbar Recovery Scan Tool Link

  • Open the startmenu and type the command cmd.
  • After you find the Command Prompt, right click on it and select Run as Administrator.
  • Copy and paste the following into the Command Prompt and press enter.
Right-click on the file FRST64.exe and choose Run as administrator.
  • Copy and paste the following (code) into the Search box and click the Search Registry button.
  • When the scan is complete, a message will display that SearchReg.txt is saved in the same folder FRST was started from.
  • Post the logfile SearchReg.txt as attachment in your next reply.
Sorry for the long wait on any answer.

KB5014351 is not installed,

I've runned Farbar and it gave me attached result.


This looks good. Please try to install KB5014351 with the following command in an elevated command prompt.

1. C:\ITR\Patch\sqlserver2016-kb5014351-x64_33d238034aa0f0f0e40b66ee7982badbd8f2a10c.exe
2. Run the following command from the C:\ITR\Patch\ directory.
Rich (BB code):
sqlserver2016-kb5014351-x64_33d238034aa0f0f0e40b66ee7982badbd8f2a10c.exe /qs /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /Action=Patch /AllInstances
Could you please provide a screenshot with an overview of the last installed updates.
Are you able to clone this server to test if removing and reinstalling SP2 would fix this issue?
I'm cloning the server right now. Will let you know when I have tried with uninstalling and reinstalling SP2
Perfect, thank you. With this clone we can safely test different things... (y)
Clone is up and running.

Get this when trying to uninstall KB4052908,

[Window Title]
Programs and Features

The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.


TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.

Error code 0x84B10001.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&EvtType=0xDBFE1571%25400x3FB6F251



[Window Title]
Programs and Features

The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.


In the previous REG exports - I noticed something strange, KB5014351 isn't installed, but the export shows that the server is on patch level 13.2.5893.48". I've installed a new VM with SQL Server 2016 (with KB5014351 installed) and the export from this machine shows patch level "13.2.5026.0", which is KB4052908 (SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 2).

So I think this might be the problem, could you perform the following on the cloned server.

SFCFix and save it to your desktop.

Warning: This fix was written specifically for this system. Do not run this fix on another system.
  • Save any work you have open, and close all programs.
  • Download the attachment SFCFixScript.txt and save it to your desktop.
  • Drag the SFCFixScript.txt file over the SFCFix.exe executable and release it.

  • SFCFix will launch, let it complete.
  • Once done, a file will appear on your desktop, called SFCFix.txt.
  • Post the logfile (SFCFix.txt) as attachment in your next reply.

Reboot the cloned server and try to uninstall SP2 again.


After SFCFix and a reboot updates are no longer installed (have not uninstalled myself),

Should I just install it again now?

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