- Aug 18, 2022
- 26
I am running Win 7 Professional 32-bit (outdated I know, but I like it better than Win 10) and have experienced freezing with increasing frequency. Scannow does not successfully complete, so I searched for “windows 7 system scan verification stops at 77% complete” and found your thread at the url [SOLVED] - SFC stopped at 77%. It seemed to perfectly describe my situation, so I downloaded SFCfix and ran it, twice. Even after inserting my Win 7 DVD, repairs were unsuccessful. I did not try the solution recommended in the above-mentioned thread (using the SFCFixScript.txt file) as that thread warned against doing so. The program recommended that I seek advice from you, so I am. I am providing two log files, the first from when I did not insert my Win 7 DVD and the second from when I did (after hunting and finding it in a closet.) Thank you for any help you are able to provide to me.