For us, it's better to check the logs (instead of screenshots of the logs):
- Retrieve System Information, using speccy
- Download Speccy portable - actual version 1.29.714 (click), unzip/decompress it and put it on your desktop (or where you prefer, since it's portable).
- When the program opens, it will retrieve some information regarding your system.
- Once it's done, select the File menu and choose Publish snapshot. Answer Yes to the confirmation message.
- On the next screen that comes up, choose the Copy to Clipboard button and paste this link in your next reply.
- (Or attach the log here, if you prefer to not publish it for some reason)
- System information log
You should run only one of the following commands, the one you prefer.
Read More:The first command is longer than the following ones, but it should always work. Hence, in case of errors with the other two commands, try the first one.
Obviously, YourWinAccountFolder should be substituted with your Win Account Folder name.
The following commands should be run from an elevated command prompt.
How to open an elevated command prompt in ALL windows versions: click (or right-click) on Windows Start, click in the searchbox (or click Search, or start to type directly), type CMD, press and hold CTRL and SHIFT keys (on your keyboard), press enter (on your keyboard), release all the keys, click yes to UAC window (if you disabled UAC, this shouldn't appear)Code:msinfo32 /nfo "c:\users\YourWinAccountFolder\desktop\MsInfo.nfo" or msinfo32 /nfo "c:\users\%username%\desktop\MsInfo.nfo" or msinfo32 /nfo "%userprofile%\desktop\MsInfo.nfo"
- Please provide answers for (answer the best that you can):
- Exact model number Laptop ACER AO532h
- OS ? windows 7 starter 32 bit Service pack 1
- What was original installed OS on system?
- Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?
- Age of system? (hardware)
- Age of OS installation?
- Have you re-installed the OS?
- Every other useful informations: 3 partitions: recovery, system reserved, c:
- CPU intel atom N450
- Video Card intel graphics media accelerator 3150
- Ram 2GB single channel DDR3 (5-5-5-15)
- MotherBoard - (if NOT a laptop)
- Power Supply - brand & wattage (if laptop, skip this one)
- What security software are you using? (Firewall, antivirus, antimalware, antispyware, and so forth)
- Are you using proxy, vpn, ipfilters or similar software?
- Are you using Disk Image tools? (like daemon tools, alcohol 52% or 120%, virtual CloneDrive, roxio software)
- Are you currently under/overclocking? Are there overclocking software installed on your system?
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