[SOLVED] Windows 7 64-bit can't update nor run SFC

hmm that worked :) rebooting as per................... Blue reboot screen saying "Preparing to Configure" taking awhile
Still has preparing to configure windows.. no disk activity, warns not to power off
I'm seeing very little disk activity but there is some. It's been about 20 minutes. The normal power on/off does nothing but I could switch it off at the power supply. Perhaps I should just let it do it's thing till morning or kill it at the power supply.
well that was interesting... Powered off and on selected normal windows rather than safe mode, it gave message 394 of 394 then went back to preparing to configure for a minute or so it's up now but I'm not sure where we are LOL
Installed updates from list:


Looking at Windows Update it shows
4 Important but I count 5

Go ahead and attempt to install all of them through Windows Update (with the exception of 3057154). See if any of them install on their own.

Then please zip/attach a copy of the CBS.log.

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