[SOLVED] Windows 7 64 Ultimate failed to update 3 files.

That was helpful. Thank you. Let's start with disabling your Page File on the C: \drive. We will re-enable once we are done with our troubleshooting and or upgrading hopefully.

Disable Paging File on the C:\ drive
1. Click the Start button
2. Right-click on Computer and select properties.
3. Click Advanced system settings.
4. Click the Settings button in the Performance settion at the top.
5. Click the Advanced tab.
6. Click the Change button.
7. Uncheck "Automatically manage paging file sizes for all drives"
8. Make sure the C:\ drive is selected and select "No paging file" and then click the Set button.
9. You will likely get a warning about doing this. Please answer Yes.
10. Click OK on the form and you may close the rest of the windows.
11. Reboot your machine and then let me know how much space you have. I'm hoping closer to 20GB instead of 6GB.

OK, I went through the steps. I have 5.93 gb of free space.

I also went back through the steps a second time to make sure I did it correctly, and it showed
no paging file.
Hmmm, maybe we will have to delete the file ourselves. Do the following check to verify.

1. Click your Start button and type cmd.exe into the search box.
2. Right-click on cmd.exe that comes up in the search results and select Run as administrator. Answer Yes to the UAC prompt if it appears.
3. Copy/Paste the following into the command-prompt window and hit enter.
dir c:\ /A >1 && notepad 1

4. Notepad will open with some text. Please post this into your next reply.

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2CB1-C584

Directory of c:\

01/03/2016 11:00 AM <DIR> $RECYCLE.BIN
03/23/2016 04:16 PM <DIR> $WINDOWS.~BT
03/23/2016 09:14 AM <DIR> $Windows.~WS
01/04/2016 01:55 AM <DIR> Analytics
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 231 application.ini
02/10/2016 05:55 PM 0 asc_rdflag
09/14/2013 05:44 PM <DIR> Brother
07/08/2015 05:36 AM <DIR> chrome
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 6,085 chrome.manifest
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 5,253 chrome.manifest.bak
01/04/2016 01:55 AM <DIR> ComboFix
07/08/2015 05:36 AM <DIR> components
03/24/2016 12:27 PM <DIR> Config.Msi
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 35,183 COPYING
07/08/2015 05:36 AM <DIR> defaults
01/26/2016 08:58 AM <JUNCTION> Documents and Settings [x:\Users]
03/06/2015 01:01 PM <DIR> EEK
03/01/2016 10:41 PM <DIR> ESD
07/08/2015 05:36 AM <DIR> extensions
01/04/2016 01:55 AM <DIR> found.000
12/01/2015 03:45 AM <DIR> found.001
03/23/2016 07:10 PM <DIR> FRST
05/19/2014 04:18 AM 1,859 index.html
07/14/2013 05:09 AM <DIR> Intel
01/04/2016 03:57 AM <DIR> IObit
08/03/2013 03:15 PM <DIR> MSOCache
12/10/2015 01:16 PM 361 NTGR_Q6N9zBmbQHgHwgmzt4VAldm4.txt
03/23/2016 08:39 AM 15,137,792,000 pagefile.sys
10/15/2013 09:33 PM <DIR> PerfLogs
03/19/2016 02:38 AM <DIR> Program Files
03/21/2016 12:30 PM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
01/26/2016 08:58 AM <DIR> ProgramData
10/02/2015 10:59 AM <DIR> Qoobox
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 351 README.md
01/26/2016 09:20 AM <DIR> RegBackup
11/23/2013 09:04 PM <DIR> Remote Programs
01/19/2016 08:56 PM <DIR> Ricoh Temp Driver Files
12/10/2015 12:38 PM <DIR> Scans
03/15/2016 02:20 AM <DIR> SFCFix
02/26/2015 09:10 AM <DIR> Sun
03/24/2016 03:00 AM <DIR> System Volume Information
03/18/2016 06:58 PM 366 TDSSKiller.
03/18/2016 07:01 PM 249,098 TDSSKiller.
01/24/2016 02:47 AM <DIR> TDSSKiller_Quarantine
03/24/2016 12:27 PM <DIR> temp
07/08/2015 05:36 AM <DIR> test
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 704 updater.ini
04/12/2014 07:50 PM <DIR> Users
07/14/2013 03:15 AM <DIR> ViewSonic
03/21/2016 11:39 AM <DIR> Windows
01/04/2016 01:55 AM <DIR> xulrunner
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 197,048 zotero.exe
06/30/2015 11:08 AM 5,902,236 zotero.jar
14 File(s) 15,144,190,775 bytes
39 Dir(s) 6,384,668,672 bytes free
Yup, it's there. It usually gets removed on a reboot.
03/23/2016  08:39 AM    15,137,792,000 pagefile.sys

Let's remove manually.

Remove Pagefile.sys
1. Click your Start button and then click on Computer
2. Click Organize...Folder and search options
3. Click the View tab
4. Select the radio button "Show hidden files, folders, and drives"
5. Uncheck "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)". You will get a warning message to confirm. Please answer Yes.
6. Click the OK button.
7. Double-click on your (C:) drive to open this up.
8. Locate the file named pagefile.sys and delete this file.

Then check your disk space.
Good. Repeat the following instructions for your X: drive.

Disktective - Identify Disk Space Usage on X
1. From the disktec folder on your desktop, open disktective.exe.
2. The "Select a directory to scan" dialog will appear. Click on your X:\ drive and click OK.
3. The scan will begin. Let it complete.
4. Click the File menu and select Save as. Select Desktop and type the file name DiskSpaceX and click the Save button.
5. On your desktop you should now see a file named DiskSpaceX.disktec6.
6. Upload this to DropBox and provide link.

Is there any background information you can give me on how your user profile was moved to the X: drive? Did you purchase the machine like this? Was there an article that you followed to do this? Was it a friend? Any information would be helpful as there are several ways to do this. Thanks.
Brian, I have to think about how that happened. I built this computer and installed the operating system, and I don't remember what I
did when I installed Windows 7 ultimate. I'm going to be away from the computer over the weekend, so let me ponder that question,
and try to remember what I did.
You're probably ready for a break from this anyhow. I again want to that you, and everyone you work with for the professionalism of
your group and the assistance you have given me trying to rectify this issue.

Please, have a wonderful Easter holiday and thanks again.

We will touch base again next week.
Hope you had a good Easter. Wanted to let you know that I will be out of town until Saturday. I'll check in on this thread at that time.

Thank you.
I was going back through my articles I saved when I built my system and installed Windows 7 ultimate, and here is the link to the article I believe I referred to when I installed
my solid state drive and my (2) 1 TB drives for data. My idea upon installation was to keep the C solid state drive as the drive with the operating system, and my other drives
for the data and programs, so as not to fill up the SS drive.

I believe I followed BrianWilder(s) instructions in the thread, but I can't be 100% sure. Win7: how do I move user folder to a different drive - Microsoft Community

Hope this helps.
Yes that does help actually. Thanks. Please do the following.

Step#1 - Export Profile List

  1. Click on the Start
    button and in the search box, type regedit
  2. When you see regedit on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  3. When regedit opens, using the left pane, navigate to the following registry key and select it by clicking on it once.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

  4. Once selected, click File > Export....
  5. Change the Save as type: to Registry Hive Files (*.*)
  6. Name this file PL (with no file extension) and save it to your Desktop.

Once done please upload this file via Dropbox or One Drive or SendSpace.
OK, I have an idea I would like to try. First create a Restore Point.

Create Restore Point
1. Please click your start button, right-click on the Computer menu item and select Properties as show below.


2. Click on the Advanced system settings link.

3. Click the System Protection tab and then click the Create button.


4. You will be asked to provide a description. Please type Sysnative and click Create.


5. You will get a message telling you when it's complete. Click Close on the message. Note: If you get any error message trying to create the restore point let me know and don't continue.
OK, now let's do the following. Then reboot your machine. Let me know when you are complete.

Step#1 - SFCFix Script
Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.
  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop. If you still have this on your desktop from downloading previously, you don't need to re-download.
  2. Download the file below, SFCScript.txt, and save this to your Desktop.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCScript.txt.
  5. Drag the file SFCScript.txt onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please


SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2016-04-10 01:38:50.659
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Using .txt script file at x:\Users\Staples Desktop\Desktop\SFCScript.txt [0]

Successfully took ownership and permissions for registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.

WARNING: Failed to create backup for registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.

Failed to import registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.

Successfully restored ownership and permissions for registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.
RegistryScript:: directive failed to complete successfully.

Failed to process all directives successfully.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 22 datablocks.
Finish time: 2016-04-10 01:38:50.742
Script hash: j/OAYVd+G1p/GZ2yitbRq00pElZdV/IPevMAcl8iBoA=


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