[SOLVED] windows 7 sp1 error (data error) 0x80070017


Active member
Mar 9, 2013
alexander city
i have run the scf/scannow and came up with this error, i have done alot of research on how to fix this problem, but with no progress, i am also not able to install sp1, and i have read that it might be due to the error is the cbs logs, so please let me know if u can help, i also attached the cbs logs, i hope this helps, thanks.View attachment cbs.zip
windows 7 sp1 error (data error)

i keep getting a data error for sp1 installation, error_crc (0x80070017) can anyone please help me with this or tell me what the problem is and tell me how i can go about fixing this please and thank you.
Re: error C:\windows\logs\cbs\cbs.logs

Are you sure this is the contents of your CBS.log? Run this in cmd prompt:
findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log > %userprofile%\desktop\cbs_contents.txt

Provide me the contents of the output. Should be on your desktop in a file called "cbs_contents.txt".

I can't do anything without actually having information to work with though. You may want to run SFC again..

EDIT: It is not cbs.logs, it's cbs.log
See this filepath: %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log

In your title to this thread: "Re: error C:\windows\logs\cbs\cbs.logs"
Last edited:
I merged your 2 threads.

i keep getting a data error for sp1 installation, error_crc (0x80070017) can anyone please help me with this or tell me what the problem is and tell me how i can go about fixing this please and thank you.

0x80070017 = CRC Error

CRC = cyclic redundancy check

The Windows 7 SP1 package you are trying to install is not what your Windows 7 OS expected. It may be corrupted or the wrong Windows 7 SP1 file.

MS kb956704 on 0x80070017 for XP, Server 2003 - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/956704

Where did you download Windows 7 SP1 from?

2 options -
  1. Windows Update - www.update.microsoft.com
  2. Direct download from Microsoft

Regards. . .

I merged your 2 threads.

i keep getting a data error for sp1 installation, error_crc (0x80070017) can anyone please help me with this or tell me what the problem is and tell me how i can go about fixing this please and thank you.

0x80070017 = CRC Error

CRC = cyclic redundancy check

The Windows 7 SP1 package you are trying to install is not what your Windows 7 OS expected. It may be corrupted or the wrong Windows 7 SP1 file.

MS kb956704 on 0x80070017 for XP, Server 2003 - Error message when you use the Windows Update Web site or Microsoft Update Web site to install updates: "0x80070017"

Where did you download Windows 7 SP1 from?

2 options -
  1. Windows Update - www.update.microsoft.com
  2. Direct download from Microsoft

Regards. . .


its the windows updater its self trying to install this sp1, the windows updater on the computer.
i got the contents of the cbs there is nothing in there at all, so i dont think there is a problem there, if it is connected to the reason y the sp1 is not working. i dont know, i am really good at this most of the time, but never had this problem before. but like i said there is nothing in the cbs log at all, so that mean there is not problem?
Hi -

The CBS log should not be empty. Please get a listing of the CBS log(s) -

Bring up an Admin CMD prompt -
START | type cmd | RIGHT-click on cmd.exe | "Run as Administrator" | paste -
dir c:\Windows\Logs\CBS >0 & start notepad 0
A Notepad will open with the dir listing.

How many Windows Updates do you currently have installed?

Run this WMI command to get a list of Windows Updates/ Hotfixes -

Bring up an elevated Admin CMD prompt - same as above -
START | type cmd | RIGHT-click on cmd.exe | "Run as Administrator" | paste -
wmic qfe list full /format:htable  > 0.html & start 0.html
It may take a few seconds to run.

From: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/wi...ows-management-instrumentation.html#post24005

How much free space do you have on OS drive c: ?

Run chkdsk /r

Download this batch file (from kb956704) - extract the batch file & save to Documents -


RIGHT-click on the bat file, "Run as Administrator"

Contents of batch file:
Read More:

Download Windows 7 SP1 again. Go through Windows Updates first -


Regards. . .

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>dir c:\Windows\Logs\CBS >0 & start notepad 0

C:\Windows\system32>wmic qfe list full /format:htable > 0.html & start 0.html
No Instance(s) Available.


that is what i got from the second cmd prompt and this is what was in the first,

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is AE3A-BF9E

Directory of c:\Windows\Logs\CBS

03/09/2013 09:22 PM <DIR> .
03/09/2013 09:22 PM <DIR> ..
03/10/2013 01:22 AM 10,852,306 CBS.log
03/09/2013 12:16 AM 0 cbs.logs
03/06/2013 07:35 AM 1,855,179 CbsPersist_20130306124851.cab
03/06/2013 09:26 PM 527,638 CbsPersist_20130307171218.cab
03/07/2013 03:09 PM 559,360 CbsPersist_20130307202617.cab
03/07/2013 07:33 PM 816,489 CbsPersist_20130308042449.cab
03/09/2013 09:17 PM 673,768 CbsPersist_20130310022237.cab
03/09/2013 10:31 PM 222 FilterList.log
8 File(s) 15,284,962 bytes
2 Dir(s) 14,390,095,872 bytes free

i have 13.3 gb free in my c:

thing it does not have enough free space?
C:\Windows\system32>wmic qfe list full /format:htable > 0.html & start 0.html
No Instance(s) Available.

That indicates that you have -0- Windows Updates installed, which should not be.

that is what i got from the second cmd prompt and this is what was in the first,

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is AE3A-BF9E

Directory of c:\Windows\Logs\CBS

03/09/2013 09:22 PM <DIR> .
03/09/2013 09:22 PM <DIR> ..
03/10/2013 01:22 AM 10,852,306 CBS.log
03/09/2013 12:16 AM 0 cbs.logs
03/06/2013 07:35 AM 1,855,179 CbsPersist_20130306124851.cab
03/06/2013 09:26 PM 527,638 CbsPersist_20130307171218.cab
03/07/2013 03:09 PM 559,360 CbsPersist_20130307202617.cab
03/07/2013 07:33 PM 816,489 CbsPersist_20130308042449.cab
03/09/2013 09:17 PM 673,768 CbsPersist_20130310022237.cab
03/09/2013 10:31 PM 222 FilterList.log
8 File(s) 15,284,962 bytes
2 Dir(s) 14,390,095,872 bytes free

i have 13.3 gb free in my c:

thing it does not have enough free space?

Free space is not a problem here. You do have ~14 GB free.

The CBS log is there - in RED.

Is Windows activated & validated?

This will take you directly into validation -


Regards. . .

my windows is active i checked it, and i already have the security software already, so i guess i have a problem not heard of, or that we dont know about yet. anything else you can think of that might help figure out this problem?
my windows is active i checked it, and i already have the security software already, so i guess i have a problem not heard of, or that we dont know about yet. anything else you can think of that might help figure out this problem?

Please run - https://www.sysnative.com/forums/sh...SOD)-Posting-Instructions-Windows-7-amp-Vista

Attach zipped folder to your next post.

and thank you so much for helping me, i am glad i joined this site, i will be donating as soon as possible to keep it open..

Thank you, but please know that donations are not mandatory, nor do they determine whether/ quality of help we provide.

i have another question is this right microsoft SQL server 2005 compact edition [ENU]?

Please see - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/920700
Hello :)

Can we have another attempt at getting the CBS logs, please?

Right click on C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ folder > Copy.

Now right click > Paste on your Desktop.

Now a new CBS folder will be created on your Desktop. Right click on it again, Send to > Compressed (Zipped) Folder.

Now a new file CBS(.zip) will be created on your Desktop. Please upload it just like you did in your first post.

Thank you!

Hello :)

Can we have another attempt at getting the CBS logs, please?

Right click on C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ folder > Copy.

Now right click > Paste on your Desktop.

Now a new CBS folder will be created on your Desktop. Right click on it again, Send to > Compressed (Zipped) Folder.

Now a new file CBS(.zip) will be created on your Desktop. Please upload it just like you did in your first post.

Thank you!


i have already done that and sent the cbs log here, and they told me there was nothing in it, but here s the cbs folder with everything inside it..
Hello :)

Can we have another attempt at getting the CBS logs, please?

Right click on C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ folder > Copy.

Now right click > Paste on your Desktop.

Now a new CBS folder will be created on your Desktop. Right click on it again, Send to > Compressed (Zipped) Folder.

Now a new file CBS(.zip) will be created on your Desktop. Please upload it just like you did in your first post.

Thank you!


i have already done that and sent the cbs log here, and they told me there was nothing in it

Basically, something went wrong in the uploading process last time. It could potentially have been an internet blip, etc. etc.

Whatever the cause, the dir command that jcgriff2 made you run shows that there is data in the CBS folder. Therefore, I want another try at getting access to it.

So, can you please have another go at carefully following the instructions and hopefully we will get lucky this time :)

Hello :)

Can we have another attempt at getting the CBS logs, please?

Right click on C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ folder > Copy.

Now right click > Paste on your Desktop.

Now a new CBS folder will be created on your Desktop. Right click on it again, Send to > Compressed (Zipped) Folder.

Now a new file CBS(.zip) will be created on your Desktop. Please upload it just like you did in your first post.

Thank you!


i have already done that and sent the cbs log here, and they told me there was nothing in it

Basically, something went wrong in the uploading process last time. It could potentially have been an internet blip, etc. etc.

Whatever the cause, the dir command that jcgriff2 made you run shows that there is data in the CBS folder. Therefore, I want another try at getting access to it.

So, can you please have another go at carefully following the instructions and hopefully we will get lucky this time :)


edited the last post i made and inserted the cbs folder. please have a look. thank you

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