Windows Server 2008 R2 / SBS 2011 Update Failures

Attach the file C:\Users\MarbAdministrator\Desktop\ to your next reply.
FRST Registry Search
  1. Click the Start button and choose Control Panel.
  2. In the upper right corner ensure the View by: is set to Category.
  3. Select the Programs group.
  4. Click the Turn Windows features on or off link. This will bring up the Server Manager or Windows Features dialog.
    Note: This loads your components hive which is what we want. Please keep this dialog open while you perform the remaining steps. You can minimize it if you wish but keep it open.
  5. Download the Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your Desktop:
    64-bit: Downloading Farbar Recovery Scan Tool

  6. Right-click on the file FRST64.exe and choose Run as administrator.
  7. Copy and paste SearchAll: KB4536952 into the Search box and click the Search Registry button.
  8. When the scan is complete, a message will display that 'SearchReg.txt' is saved in the same folder FRST was started from. Notepad will open this file also. Close Notepad and attach the file 'SearchReg.txt' to your next reply.
  9. You may close any remaining open windows now.
Restart the machine.
Check Windows Update only. Do not install any update yet.
Provide a screenshot of all important updates first.
Try to install KB890830 only and report the result.
Great. Try to install KB4484071 only and report the result.
Are you sure KB4474419 is installed successful ?
How would I verify that KB4474419 is installed?

Also, after the failed attempt to install KB4484071, the system is asking for a reboot. I will do that overnight.
How would I verify that KB4474419 is installed?
Check the list of installed Windows Updates.

Also, after the failed attempt to install KB4484071, the system is asking for a reboot. I will do that overnight.
Please report the outcome.
Check the list of installed Windows Updates.

Oh! I thought there was some kind of FRST search or command line ... err... command involved. haha...

Yes, KB4474419 shows up on the Installed Updates control panel applet. Though strangely, it says it was installed in 2019...

Please report the outcome.

Nothing of note after the reboot.
Windows Update shows the same list of 3 pending important updates as in post #69.
Yes, KB4474419 shows up on the Installed Updates control panel applet. Though strangely, it says it was installed in 2019...
The date can be correct as it was released a few months earlier.
Uninstall KB4474419 and report the result.
KB4474419 uninstalled and asked to reboot.

KB4474419 now listed in the pending important updates
Install KB4474419 only and report the result.
Install KB4484071 only and report the result.

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