Windows Update/SFC Issue Windows 7 SP1 64 bit SFC & SFCFix unable to fix corrupt files


Thanks for the information.

I want that you do a little test for me please...

  1. repeat the steps from post #94 rename the fixlog.txt to fixlog1.txt
  2. Restart the computer
  3. repeat the steps from post #94 rename the fixlog.txt to fixlog2.txt

attach both files fixlog1.txt and fixlog2.txt
Hi Dave,

Things doesn't look good! The last Fix show that the normal reg tools can't find the bad registry key but the keys exists on the registry export that you sent me!!

I decided to use an old tool to check that registry export, I'm sure the tool isn't exactly perfect and it only tries to find bad characters in references to Updates, etc. where we know they don't use any special symbols. The tool found more bitshift errors!

Key: ...\ComponentDetect\amd64_microsoft-windows-b..os-loader.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_0.0.0.0_fi-fi_9577acc7d9cc67ae
Value: Package_89_for_KB3126587~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
Data: 6.1.*့*601.23338@@2

Key: ...\ComponentDetect\wow64_microsoft-windows-s..-downlevel.binaries_31bf3856ad364e35_0.0.0.0_none_f8f98169606313e6
Value: Package_112_for_KB4019264~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
Data: 6.3.*ȹ*600.18665@16

Key: ...\Packages\Package_3_for_KB3164033~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
Value: InstallLocation
Data: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Down*ၬ*oad\8dde68bb71116da63ca196990f982cfe\

I'm preparing a fix for you to try...
Hi SleepyDude,
Mr Pepka was helping me with my BSoD's He identified an audio driver that was corrupt. I don't know if it's a cause of the problems or just another a symptom.
I uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it. No BSoD's so far since the reinstallation.
Hi SleepyDude,
I saw this article and it seemed to include some of the problems I've been seeing, it's about advanced format disks it discusses file copying errors where sectors are 4KB instead of 512Bytes with Windows 7 64bit (and server 2008) and the like. You don't think this could be a possible cause of my problems? It also might explain why I can't get an acronis image made that verifies as good. I believe my disk is formated with 4KB sectors. I checked my RAM again today this time with mdsched.exe and it came up fine no errors.

Are you doing the Acronis backup from inside Windows or using the rescue DVD/flash drive?

If you are not using the rescue disk make sure you try that because its a way to exclude problems in your system, if its a hardware problem I would expect the backup to fail also.
I was using the software from within windows but yesterday I used the Boot DVD to image C drive and the 100Mb Boot partion, it completed but when I verified the file, it stated a problem with partition 0-0 the 100Mb Boot partition.
I'm currently running Western Digital's Lifeguard Diagnostics (Harddrive heath scanner)
I have a couple of places a SATA RAID unit and on a partition on the main HDD

All with the same result I suppose?

Did you run chkdsk on the 100Mb Boot partition? by default Windows doesn't assign a drive letter to this partition but you can do it using the Windows Disk Manager, another possibility is to do it from the Acronis Rescue, I think it will assign a drive letter automatically.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, I had tried to do it from Computer management, but I think I need to logon as administrator in order to do that.
I'll give it a go. No, it won't let me. I suppose I could run chkdsk on it. Actually I temporarily assigned it O: drive letter and ran error checking. But it seems okay see snip file


  • SystemPartition.PNG
    67.1 KB · Views: 1
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Yes, I was thinking the same thing, I had tried to do it from Computer management, but I think I need to logon as administrator in order to do that.
I'll give it a go. No, it won't let me. I suppose I could run chkdsk on it

Only an account with Administrators privileges.
Lets take care of the last error present on the SURT report.

SFCFix Script

!!! WARNING !!! The following fix is only relevant for this system and no other, applying this fix on another computer will not work and most likely will cause problems...
  • Download SFCFix.exe (by Niemiro) and save it to the Desktop
  • Download the file SFCScript.txt, attached below, and save this to your Desktop
  • On your Desktop, make sure you have the two files:
    SFCFix.exe and
  • Drag the file SFCScript.txt onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it
  • The SFCFix tool will process the script
  • Upon completion, a log file SFCFix.txt should be created on your Desktop
  • Open the SFCFix.txt log and copy & paste the contents to your post


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