[SOLVED] x86_microsoft-windows-d..omerfeedbackmanager_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.447_none_b9ef218c73bc935a\imecfmui.exe Repair failed: Missing replacement pay



SetupDiag v1.6.2107.27002
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It seems that there is nothing wrong with my system!!!! :-(

Can you please post me the following log ..... C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\DISM.log
Thanks. Just looking to see whether it gives us any further clues as to why the DISM commands we've run have failed.
Yes, I found the following error, which would appear to explain it.

2023-05-18 12:38:31, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=9848 TID=9856 Clear pending actions is not supported against the running system. - CDISMPackageManager::RevertPendingActions(hr:0x80070032)

Which suggest that there is a pending action that is preventing the command from executing.

So what I suggest, is that you create a bootable usb using the .iso file for Windows Server 2016, and boot into Recovery Environment using that. Then once booted into RE, again run the command ...

DISM /Image:d:\ /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions /scratchdir:d:\windows\temp

Instructions for how to create a bootable usb can be found at ... How to Create Windows Server 2016 Recovery Disk (2 Ways)

If that's not feasible for you, please let me know, there's one more thing we could try, but it involves an element of risk, and I'd prefer not to use it until we've exhausted our other options.

I get same error. I've attached a image.


This server is a VM and I have backups and I can do a snapshot previously to "risk operations".

Thanks Gary.
OK, in that case ...

First make a backup (take a snapshot) of your system that you can restore to should things go awry.

Only once you've done that ....

Delete the following file ... C:\Windows\WinSxS\pending.xml ... then ... reboot your computer.

Once you've rebooted, run ...

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

... if it completes without problems, then try updating your computer.

Any problems post me your latest CBS.log

Previously to your last post I've tested this on restore enviroment:

DISM /Image:d:\ /Cleanup-Image /restorehealt /source:wim:E:\sources\install.wim:1 /scratchdir:d:\windows\temp

Next I've rebooted and there is not any pending.xml file. More commands:

DISM /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup (23 hours)
DISM /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase (4 hours)

And this time all commands finallice sucesfully.

Now I'm updating the server and It's seems than is working well.

Thank you.
Glad to hear that you are now able to update.

Please let me know if your updates install successfully to completion, so that I can mark this topic as solved.

Finally server has updates correctly.

Thank you, Gary, for your patience.

I mark this topic as solved.
You're welcome.

Glad your update concluded successfully.

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