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[SOLVED] 64 bit applications not starting after MS or Firefox update

None at all. I saw it so often it's burned into my brain. All 64 bit programs that will not run display the bad image error as soon as their shortcut is clicked.

I'm glad to hear that all is well now.

Curiosity, please --

Where did the 0xc000007b error message display?

Tooltip balloon?
Windows Error Reporting (WERCON) screen on desktop?
Event Viewer?

Exception 0xc000007b is not one that I see every day.

I'm sure. It's a Windows error message. I'll attach a JPG. Thanks




  • 0xc000007b.jpg
    87.9 KB · Views: 12
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Got this in the CMD screen -

If you can see this, then your machine can interpret the x64 bit architecture for programs.

Press any key to continue...

That's what you should see if everything is good. This tells me that you are on a x64 OS too :) That's all this test is though, a quick portable application to test if you can run a 64-bit program on your system.

Me too. I routinely run several 64 bit applications daily. JPG attached. Thanks.


  • 64 bit test result.jpg
    64 bit test result.jpg
    23 KB · Views: 6
@jcgriff - Any application exceptions like this are Win32 error codes. This one in particular is:
 The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

I would think that it is trying to look for a dll and raising this exception because it can't be found. (Note, that the 'c' in front is really not super significant.) I have a full list of these, as these are error codes I deal with on a daily basis as a programmer. The one error code I love seeing is ERROR_SUCCESS, usually the intended return value for the entry point to a program for main(). :thumbsup2:

With that application I posted however, there's absolutely no need to call any GDI functions, so it appears to be running smoothly because of that (for one).
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Hello again :)

Let's try to fix 8 of those 9 SFC corruptions (I have sourced the final file, but cannot put it through on this run).

WARNING: This fix has been created specifically for Betageek. If you are not Betageek, do not follow these instructions as you may cause serious harm to your computer.

Download a copy of SFCFixScript.zip attached to this post, and save it to your Desktop.

Then download a copy of SFCFix.exe from here: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/downloads/sfcfix/, and also save it to your Desktop.

Single click on SFCFixScript.zip and drag and drop it on top of SFCFix.exe. SFCFix will open and perform a fix.

A logfile called SFCFix.txt will open (and be saved to your Desktop). Please copy and paste the report into your next reply. Please also re-run SFC, and re-zip up and upload a new CBS logfile.

Thank you!

Note, that the 'c' in front is really not super significant

Doesn't a "c" in bit1 denote the error code as a NT Exception Code v. a bugcheck or memory address..?



I've always looked for the "c" in kernel dump bugcheck parms.

The one I see most often = 0xc0000005 = memory access violation, aka "access denied"
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Note, that the 'c' in front is really not super significant

Doesn't a "c" in bit1 denote the error code as a NT Exception Code v. a bugcheck or memory address..?


2.3.1 NTSTATUS values

I've always looked for the "c" in kernel dump bugcheck parms.

The one I see most often = 0xc0000005 = memory access violation, aka "access denied"

There is 0xc0000005, which means, exactly as you say, but it doesn't quite refer to a memory address itself. "c" doesn't denote a bugcheck or memory address though, it actually means refers to the "Customer code flag", which is specifically used by the kernel. It is a reserved bit...

You are correct though, I jumped at it too quick :banghead: It is an NTSTATUS error code for INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT. Similarly though to the Win32 error, a possible cause of this is corruption, so don't believe that jibberish I posted :thumbsup2:.
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I do know the exception code is neither a bugcheck or a memory address.

It is usually one of the parms of a bugcheck, e.g., 0x8e - kernel threw an exception

0x8e (0xc0000005, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

Where 0x8e = bugcheck
0xc0000005 = bugcheck parm1 = exception code

The other parms - 0x8e

The following parameters are displayed on the blue screen.

The exception code that was not handled
The address at which the exception occurred
trap frame
..."c" doesn't denote a bugcheck or memory address though, it actually means refers to the "Customer code flag", which is specifically used by the kernel. It is a reserved bit...

Just curious -- what Customer does it refer to?

I know in WHEA dumps - bugcheck 0x124 that bugcheck parm2 does give us the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA) record that can be further interrogated using the kd> !errrec command & can provide additional info specific to Intel CPU (just one example).


Thanks Ace!


The script ran, but all actions attempted after ownership was established failed with error code "0x5", if I've "guessed" correctly is "VBScript runtime error": Invalid procedure call or argument. I have attached the log file but did not rerun sfc at this point since it appears nothing was changed. I did not open your script. Just did a search on the error code.
Thanks for you help and consideration with this problem and I'll just wait for your reply.





Hello again :)

Right, there is a problem replacing the files.

Please drag and drop the following fix on top of SFCFix.exe and post the resulting logfile.

I will post an alternate method next.



Hello again :)

Right, there is a problem replacing the files.

Please drag and drop the following fix on top of SFCFix.exe and post the resulting logfile.

I will post an alternate method next.

I forgot to rename the zip, re date, but it appears that is not an issue with the uploads here. Thanks
Hello again :)

Right, there is a problem replacing the files.

Please drag and drop the following fix on top of SFCFix.exe and post the resulting logfile.

I will post an alternate method next.

I may not have interpreted your last message literally enough. Let me try again. Just SFCFix.txt generated today attached (I hope).View attachment SFCFix.txt
Thank you for those logs. I have now seen what I need to see.

But...something a little strange happened. SFC has randomly stopped reporting those files as corrupt. I need to work out what has happened, and whether they are actually fixed, or whether a problem still remains. I am pretty sure it is SFC that is wrong.

Anyway, let's find out. Please run this new diagnostic SFCFix.exe script, and post the latest SFCFix.txt logfile from your Desktop.



CBS 3-14-13 attached contains the C:\Windows\Logs\CBS folder and SFTFix.txt. I don't see the errors under the [SR] tag in the results of the SFC scan either. However, the 0xc000007b still is manifest whenever the same 64 bit applications are attempted. The only changes that have been made was a power interruption restart sometime last night, and Windows applied 8 or nine updates as I recall. Moment,....I've included those as a separate attachment. Thanks.
JohnView attachment 3580View attachment Windows updates 3-14-13.txt
Hello again :)

There was a bug in SFCFix which caused the script not to go through the first time round.

This bug has since been fixed, so we shall now go and run the same script again. Fingers crossed it will work properly this time :)

Please delete any copies of SFCFix.exe you have lying around, and download the latest version from here: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/downloads/sfcfix/

Then please repeat this post: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-7-%7C-windows-vista/5512-64-bit-applications-not-starting-after-microsoft-firefox-update-2.html#post42032

using exactly the same fix, and post me the created SFCFix.txt logfile.

Thank you!

Hi Richard,

I'm wondering what the implications of SFC not reporting any errors that were non-repairable. In fact, none of the corrupt files reported in earlier scans, are referenced at all in the most recent log of the scan. All of the problems with the 64 bit software that would not start still exist. I'll try and find some explanation of how SFC works, perhaps I can manage to ask a more relevant question. Thanks.
Hi Richard,

I'm wondering what the implications of SFC not reporting any errors that were non-repairable. In fact, none of the corrupt files reported in earlier scans, are referenced at all in the most recent log of the scan. All of the problems with the 64 bit software that would not start still exist. I'll try and find some explanation of how SFC works, perhaps I can manage to ask a more relevant question. Thanks.

Thank you for your continued patience. I have been having a nightmare of a time with SFCFix over the last week or so :p

There was a bug (which took quite a long time to fully track down and fix) which initially caused SFCFix to fail to process the files properly. It didn't put through a proper fix, but it did enough to trick SFC partially into thinking they had been fixed. Of course, this doesn't achieve anything.

Initially, I did not realise that any changes had been made to the state of the system (a partial fix). This made the initial script (designed to work off NO fix) invalid, and then it subsequently failed when put through a second time.

It took me quite a long time to piece all of this together. But, fingers crossed, all is well now :p

We just need the latest version: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/downloads/sfcfix/

and a new fix script designed to work off the top of the partial fix which went through (attached).

I am so hoping this goes through this time (it should). This thread has been dragging on enough already, and I am very aware of how long this fix is taking, all because I made one tiny accidental edit to one line of SFCFix's code two versions back. :banghead:

Thanks Richard,

I've run the script on the new SFCfix, results are attached along with subsequent run of SFC /scannow (run as administrator). Looks like things went much better today, with one error remaining, the "GDIPlus.dll" file not being replaced. Referring back to earlier posts, I think I remember you mentioning 9 corrupt files, though I only ever found 8 with SFC. In any event, you may be getting closer. 0xc000007b persists of course. I think the GDIPlus.dll was the most suspect of the corrupt files. I'm starting to get excited now!

I've worked weeks on a program only to find a missing delimiter, or the wrong one due to not hitting the shift key, or simply a brainfart like (') instead of ("). The debug feature on many IDE's doesn't always return helpful feedback.

Thanks for your interest and hard work on this problem.

John View attachment SFCFixRun_3-29-13.zip
Thanks Richard,

I've run the script on the new SFCfix, results are attached along with subsequent run of SFC /scannow (run as administrator). Looks like things went much better today, with one error remaining, the "GDIPlus.dll" file not being replaced. Referring back to earlier posts, I think I remember you mentioning 9 corrupt files, though I only ever found 8 with SFC. In any event, you may be getting closer. 0xc000007b persists of course. I think the GDIPlus.dll was the most suspect of the corrupt files. I'm starting to get excited now!

I've worked weeks on a program only to find a missing delimiter, or the wrong one due to not hitting the shift key, or simply a brainfart like (') instead of ("). The debug feature on many IDE's doesn't always return helpful feedback.

Thanks for your interest and hard work on this problem.

John View attachment 3732

A ninth file, taskeng.exe, appeared by the time you posted your complete CBS folder: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/wi...after-microsoft-firefox-update.html#post41806

We fixed taskeng.exe in the last script, but one of the original files, nlsbres.dll, remains unfixed. We will leave that to the end.

So...there are currently only two files remaining, nlsbres.dll and GdiPlus.dll. Fingers crossed GdiPlus.dll will go through in this script, and nlsbres.dll in the next.

Please run the latest attached SFCScript.zip.

WARNING: This script will reboot your computer. Please save and close all work before proceeding.



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