80073712 installing KB4467697

Had to do it via powershell, and a reboot to fix some things. I think it went ok? lol
The log shows it was done in read only, but I did it one more time after the fact just to check for more errors.


Some errors were found.

1. Point your mouse to the lower left of your computer screen and click on the Start screen. Type cmd on the Start Screen.
2. Once the Command Prompt program is found, right-click on it with your mouse and select Run as administrator.
3. Answer Yes when asked to allow.
4. You should now have a black window open that you can type in to.
5. Please type chkdsk /R and then press enter. Note: There is a space before the / slash. You will be prompted to reboot in order to run this. Please do.
6. Let it complete please.
7. Right-click ListChkResult.exe and select Run as administrator (Allow if prompted)and a text file will open (and also be saved on the desktop as ListChkdskResult.txt).
Please copy the contents of this file and paste into your next post
Scan and repair stuck at 20%. I'm gonna let it ride for a while. May not reply back tonight. Thanks again for all your help so far and sticking with me. Have a great evening / weekend!
Well, it was about damn time!

Restart Windows in Safe Mode.

Download Windows Repair (All-in-One) Portable

  • Extract the tweaking.com_windows_repair_aio.zip to c:\Windows\TEMP the zip will extract to a folder called Tweaking.com - Windows Repair
  • Execute the file Repair_Windows.exe from the Tweaking.com - Windows Repair folder, accept the Security warning and the EULA
  • Click the button Jump To Repairs
  • Click the Open Repairs button to access the following screen:
  • Click the box All Repairs to uncheck all the boxes
  • Check only the following boxes:
    • 16 - Repair Windows Updates

  • Check the box Restart/Shutdown System When Finished > Restart System
  • Click the Start Repairs button
  • Retry updates.
Step#1 - Capture Process Monitor Trace
1. Download and run Process Monitor. Leave this running while you perform the next steps.
2. Try installing the update just like you have in the past.
3. Stop Process Monitor as soon as it fails. You can simply do this by clicking the magnifying glass on the toolbar as shown below.

4. Select the File menu...Save... and save the file to your desktop. This is likely the default location. The name (unless changed) will be LogFile.PML. This is fine.
5. Zip up and attach the LogFile.PML file as well as your CBS.log
Yikes! I don't like what I'm seeing...

Please get me a copy of your COMPONENTS hive to verify before I jump to conclusions.

Retrieve Components Hive
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Config and locate the COMPONENTS file.
2. Please copy this file to your desktop.
Note: If you receive an error that this file is in-use, simply reboot your computer and try again.
3. Right-click on this file on your desktop and select Send To...Compressed (zipped) folder. This will create a file named COMPONENTS.ZIP on your desktop.
4. The file will likely be too large to upload here so please upload to a file sharing service and just provide the link here.
OK, I've confirmed the issue.

You have partially installed updates. What this means is that several hundreds of keys are missing from your Server and I cannot replace them manually because that would take weeks.

One option is to rebuild the Server from scratch, which I imagine you'd like to avoid, so I propose the following:

I can force install the missing updates which has worked in the past and it should not cause any issues. However, there is no guarantee that the method will work on your Server. If you're willing to try this, make sure you have a good backup to fall back to just in case something goes horribly wrong.

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