[SOLVED] BSOD on W7 upgrade to W10 & in driver verifier, no dumps. FIX: FEW drivers (and devices) removed; TPKD was the last one which blocked the upgrade.

Refresh REG_DWORD 0x1

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7601.24499

Image Version: 6.1.7601.24499

Service Pack Cleanup can't proceed: No service pack backup files were found.
The operation completed successfully.
I'd re-try the upgrade.

It could be it will work, or it could be not.
I've seen 3 problematic KBs packages in the CBS logs.
But I'm just guessing given that I wasn't trained to check it.
Didn't work, I did accidentally leave my focusrite in though, though I struggle to believe that is the issue at this point.
They almost didn't change.

Let's try this:
  • Let's run cleanmgr:
    cleanmgr /sagerun:1

  • Uninstall KB2515325, KB3069762 and KB4019990.
    I found them in cbs logs.
    In the sysnativefilecollectionapp logs I found only KB4019990.
    Therefore you'll probably get error for the first two commands:
    wusa /uninstall /KB:KB2515325
    wusa /uninstall /KB:KB3069762
    wusa /uninstall /KB:KB4019990
    Let me know the results.

  • Then check for Windows Updates and, if you should see those two updates (they shouldn't appear because it seems they are for windows 7 without service pack), right-click on them and select hide.

  • If all went well, reboot and re-try the upgrade.
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Yeah only KB4019990 was uninstalled, the other two couldn't be found :(
Checking Windows Update, KB4041083, KB4049016, and KB4535102 have popped up so I'll install those and try upgrading tomorrow.
Nah didn't work.
Maybe this is from the disk clean (though it hasn't done it before) but my C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\ and C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\ used to be filled with a lot of stuff, now it's just C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther with Panther in blue which I'm not sure it was before. This may not matter at all but I do like how clean it is!

I've send my CBS folder over just in case, the main CBS log file wouldn't let me zip it because it was in use, so I copied all the text onto "Fake CBS.txt"

CBS folder
It seems like the logs were interrupted by something:
FindAbruptDownlevelFailure - 55882B1A-DA3E-408A-9076-23B22A0472BD
Error: SetupDiag reports abrupt down-level failure.
Last Operation: Finalize
Error: 0x800704C7 - 0x40005
Oh maybe I just restarted too quickly when it blue screened the second time. Damn, should I run it again to try and get logs?
Let's try to uninstall malwarebytes altogether and stop windows 7 defender (open defender, Tools - Administrator, untick Use this program and click Apply).
Reboot, launch windows update, re-try the upgrade.

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