[SOLVED] Help w/ corrupt files caused by Windows update

Although the Repair button was shown as an option, it was actually locked. Probably for the reason you indicated in that it is not a Western Digital Drive. Do you have any idea as to whether there is another software program out there that might be used to do the repair? Thanks
Without a tool provided by the drive manufacturer I think only writing zeros on all the sectors of the drive (overwriting the data) will force the drive firmware to try "replacing the bad sectors" by relocating them using spare sectors on the drive (if available).

One free tool that you can try is Macrorit Disk Scanner Check Hard Disk for Bad Sectors | Scan Disk on Windows

I'm not sure if the tool will try to reallocate the bad sectors but it should at least mark them so the Operating System will not use them.
I ran the Macrorit program and it identified the one problem sector but am not clear as to whether it marked them so that the OS won't use them or if it tried to reallocate them. Couldn't really see any options that would allow me to direct it to do one or the other. Just seems to perform the scan and show the 'bad sector' in red in its graphic once scan is completed. I'll attach what it indicated so you can give me your thoughts.

Also, wanted to let you know that after running the Macrorit program, I rebooted the laptop and it automatically went into CHKDSK application for a few minutes prior to Windows 7 booting up. Thanks


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Forgot to include in above post that timing of initial problem (started back in 2015 after failed Windows update installation) leads me to believe that not a physical issue w/ HD but rather a software issue that leads to sector being marked bad as a result of the failed update. That said, I can't attest to viability of the below utility (see link) but thought I would list it here for you to take a look at. I found it via just doing a general search for 'bad sector repair tools'. Am hoping that you are aware of one that has a good reputation though. This particular one does offer 1 sector repair for free (which is all Macrorit indicated was bad) but I know nothing as to its quality. Hopefully, it is okay to post these as I didn't see anything in the rules area indicating that it is a problem. If it is, just let me know. Thanks.

HDD Test and Diagnostic Software | Bad Sectors Fix & Repair Tools for Windows (The HDDRegenerator tool)

HDD Regenerator - Dmitriy Primochenko Online

Lets check what the program did...

From a command prompt running as Administrator type:
chkdsk c:

please post the result as text or image.
Here is an image of what program did... Thanks


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It didn't work!

Lets run a full scan during boot...

» Check the Disk for Errors

  • open the Command Prompt as Administrator (Tutorial)
  • type the command:
    chkdsk /r /x C:
    Note: When it ask if you want to checked the volume next time the system restarts answer Yes
  • Restart the Computer and let the check run during boot, it will take some time...


  • download ListChkdskResult
  • execute the file and accept all the windows prompts to authorize the program to run
  • Notepad will open with a report showing the chkdsk result
  • copy & paste the log to your reply
This is what I am getting, not sure if I need to do it in a Recovery Environment or not?


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Very strange its the first time I see Windows not asking for a reboot for a locked drive!

Running the scan from Recovery Environment should work but when you boot into the Windows 7 Recovery Environment the drive letter for your Windows installation may not be the same. For example, if your Windows installation is normally on the C: drive, it may not be located at the D: drive. To determine what drive letter your Windows installation is located on, you can type this command press enter:
bcdedit | find /i "osdevice"
This command will display output similar to : os device partition=D:. The drive letter after partition= is the drive that your Windows installation is located.

type the command:
chkdsk /r /x D:
Note: replace D: with the drive returned by the command above.
Here is the List ChkdskResults.txt. I only read the last few lines of it. Noticed at the end that it is saying to Run CHKDSK with the /F (fix) option to correct some file systems errors. Will wait to see if you want me to try doing this or not. Based on the length of this notepad txt, I imagine there is probably more to it that. Thanks.



The more recent scan doesn't show problems with the file system and say that 2 bad sectors are marked so the Operating System no longer use them.

Make sure you do backup of your data regularly because its unknown when the Hard Drive will fail! sometimes more bad sectors appear others simply the drive stops working.

Now that the system seems more stable please go back to post #12 and repeat those steps. I have corrected my instructions.
I didn't realize that the List ChkdskResults.txt showed the most recent results at the top vs. the bottom, I should have noticed that. Here is what I got when trying to complete post #12 instructions. Also, as an FYI, wanted to let you know that laptop takes about 20 minutes to boot when doing a complete reboot but if choose the 'Sleep' option as opposed to 'Re-Start' , it responds fairly quickly and doesn't seem to tie up the CPU so long which enables me to get to work on whatever I am doing. Thanks.


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Thanks for the extra information.

Locate the log c:\Windows\logs\cbs\CBS.log copy the file to the Desktop, Zip it and attach to your post.

Note: If the file is too big to attach please upload it to a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or upload to SendSpace and just provide the link for the file here.

Please try running the SURT tool again and let me know the result.
SURT didn't seem to run successfully. Uploaded entire CBS folder which is 20mb as wasn't sure if needed entire folder or just CBS.txt which is 3mb. If need to do again, let me know if entire folder is needed or just CBS.txt. Thanks

Dropbox - CBS.log


What exactly happens with SURT? The tool can take a long time to do the work and seems stuck...

Lets replace some files to see if it helps...

SFCFix Script

!!! WARNING !!! The following fix is only relevant for this system and no other, applying this fix on another computer will not work and most likely will cause problems...

  • Download SFCFix.exe (by Niemiro) and save it to the Desktop
  • Download the file SFCFIX.ZIP, attached below, and save this to your Desktop
  • On your Desktop, make sure you have the two files:
    SFCFix.exe and
  • Drag the file SFCFIX.zip onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it
  • The SFCFix tool will process the script
  • Upon completion, a log file SFCFix.txt should be created on your Desktop
  • Open the SFCFix.txt log and copy & paste the contents to your post


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See post #33 for snippit of what trying to run SURT did the other day. However, just now, it seemed to have completed the operation successfully, (see Dism snippit).
It did not however, request for me to restart Windows to complete the operation, so I have not done that yet. Will try to wait until I here back before trying to restart. Thanks.


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Just to confirm, Installing the update with Dism worked only after running the fix?

Can you run SURT by following the instructions on post #4? the output on post #33 is from Dism not SURT.
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I believe that is accurate as appears as though able to install post running the fix. Tried to run SURT again and seemed to install. Will attach snippits, where it asked if wanted to install hotfix KB947821. I selected YES, hopefully that was the correct thing to do? So, that is where I am currently at. Thanks


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The images show exactly what is expected. Good job :thumbsup2:

Now collect the resulting log please.

Attach to your post the log from the following location: C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log
If the file is too big please Zip it and upload the ZIP file to a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or upload to SendSpace and just provide the link for the file here.

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