
@Richard, what do you get on Speedtest? Is your internet normally slow?

I can't boast though - look at this :(

@Richard, what do you get on Speedtest? Is your internet normally slow?

I can't boast though - look at this :(

My actual download speed is usually about 4-5 KB/s. Today it is 12 :)

I get about 0.30MB/s on speedtest, although I have seen as high as 1.20 MB/s

What bothers me more is line quality???

Most webpages arrive with at least one image corrupt/component incorrectly rendered. Most downloads take several attempts too.

Here's my speedtest??? results!
This is with AT & T U-verse set up.
At this speed I could click the button to begin the test, go to the bathroom, check on wife and come back to view the results.
Kind of a multi-tasking kind of guy!
Is this the problem, JC? :hysterical:

As usual... The internet connection here @ work doesn't show the actual speed... Must be something with the local network... I see spikes of speed up to 120MB/s and it usually downloads at a relatively steady 50-60MB/s then is reported in the 20MB/s range... Upload is just about right...


Not bad, not bad at all. A few rice grains above promised speeds.
I peak over 50. But right now is a busy time in this house, I'll try again later tonight when everyone is all the net.
I'm on the cheap Virgin Media package:

Fortunately for those in the US, Google Fiber seems to have suddenly worried the traditional ISPs. I think some of them are worried they might have to provide value for money in the near future. :lol:
It is wrong to be slightly disheartened that my internet is so slow and there is so much corruption in loaded pages today that even speedtest won't load (with a configuration load failure - screenshot another time, it would take too long to upload now :p)
It is wrong to be slightly disheartened that my internet is so slow and there is so much corruption in loaded pages today that even speedtest won't load (with a configuration load failure - screenshot another time, it would take too long to upload now :p)

I take it very rural? You need a better connection. My sister has lived on several farms and always had an abysmal connection, generally been usable for webpages though.
It is wrong to be slightly disheartened that my internet is so slow and there is so much corruption in loaded pages today that even speedtest won't load (with a configuration load failure - screenshot another time, it would take too long to upload now :p)

I take it very rural? You need a better connection. My sister has lived on several farms and always had an abysmal connection, generally been usable for webpages though.

Yes, right in the middle of nowhere :p We live in a small collection of houses down a small valley with its own weather (snow often melts a good week after everywhere else, and people don't tend to take us seriously when we say we still have snow :p

Getting to school (except by car) involves a fairly long walk to the nearest village, bus from there to the nearest town, then a train from there (or possibly two trains depending on which way you go), plus another short train journey through town (or a longer walk). [or the same just to get to the nearest big town for any other reason, which is also where my school is]. Hence we drive when possible :p

It's very pretty, but it certainly does have its downsides. And the internet is terrible, but some days worse than others (today very bad). Download speeds average 10-20KB/s, although very occasionally I see 120+ KB/s (:confused2:). Today crawling at ~5KB/s. Even audio only Youtube at 144p takes a horrendously long time to load. Images rarely arrive without corruptions, all downloads need a download a manager, most webpages arrive corrupt, time out, or fail to load completely.

Things are bad :p

At one point, I got excited about the BT Infinity fibre rollout. But guess what, my local exchange isn't on the rollout plans, fair enough, but it isn't even in the "we have no plans to upgrade these exchanges within the forseeable future". We simply aren't on the list AT ALL!

At least most exchanges are in the "not going to rollout to" box. We don't even get that. I think they've forgotten about us :p


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