Step#1 - System Update Readiness Tool (SUR) Windows 7 - 64-Bit
1. Download and run the following file.
2. When it asks you if you wish to install, please answer Yes. Note: It could take several hours to run. Please don't cancel it.
3. You will get an Installation Complete screen when it's done running.
4. Please attach the log from the following location. C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log Please Note:: if the file is too big to upload to your next post, please upload via Sendspace and just provide the link here.
As it appears that all of your corruption has been resolved and your updates seem to have gone in correctly. I would wrap the thread up here and ask you to continue troubleshooting the Modem CP issues in the Networking section here at Sysnative.
I have tried some of the general solutions that I have managed to find online, but I am by no means a networking expert.
Good luck!
No problem. thanks all for your time. how do I transfer the thread? Start a new thread in the networking forum and post a link to this witha quick description?