[SOLVED] 0xc1900101 - 0x30018 installation failed at FIRST_BOOT phase with a error during SYSPREP_SPECIALIZE


Right-click on the file
FRST.exe and choose Run as administrator.
  • Copy and paste the following (code) into the Search box and click the Search Files button.
  • When the scan is complete, a message will display that 'Search.txt' is saved in the same folder FRST was started from. Notepad will open this file also.
  • Post the logfile Search.txt as attachment in your next reply.

  1. Click on the Start button and in the search box, type regedit
  2. When you see regedit on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  3. When regedit opens, using the left pane, navigate to the following registry key and select it by clicking on it once.
  4. Once selected, click File > Export....
  5. Change the Save as type: to Registry Hive Files (.)
  6. Name this file SxS (with no file extension) and save it to your Desktop.
  7. Zip this file and attach the file SxS.zip to your next post.

Start the
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool again.

Warning: This script was written specifically for this system. Do not run this script on another system.
  • Download the attachment fixlist.txt and save it to your desktop.
  • Right-click on FRST.exe and select "Run as administrator".
  • Press the Fix button.
  • If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally.
  • When finished, a log called Fixlog.txt will appear in the same directory the tool is run from.
  • Post the logfile Fixlog.txt as attachment in your next reply.



Start the
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool again.

Warning: This script was written specifically for this system. Do not run this script on another system.
  • Download the attachment fixlist.txt and save it to your desktop.
  • Right-click on FRST.exe and select "Run as administrator".
  • Press the Fix button.
  • If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally.
  • When finished, a log called Fixlog.txt will appear in the same directory the tool is run from.
  • Post the logfile Fixlog.txt as attachment in your next reply.



Please run the attached Fixlist as described in post #88 and attach the Fixlog.txt.


Please run Windows Update again, if it fails attach the following logfiles in your next post.


To look further into this, please provide the following export by DISM.

Open an elevated command prompt.
Copy and paste the following command into the command prompt and press enter.
dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Drivers.txt"
These commands will create Drivers.txt on your Desktop.
Post this logfile as attachment in your next reply.

  • Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Config and locate the COMPONENTS file.
  • Please copy this file to your desktop.
  • Note: If you receive an error that this file is in-use, simply reboot your computer and try again.
  • Right-click on this file on your desktop and select Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder. This will create a file named COMPONENTS.ZIP on your desktop.
  • If the file is too large to upload here, upload the file to www.wetransfer.com and post the link in your next reply.

Capture Process Monitor BootLog
1. Download and run Process Monitor. Leave this running while you perform the next steps.
2. Select the Options....Enable Boot Logging option. A Enable Boot Logging dialog will come up. Just click OK.
3. Create a folder on your desktop named BootLog.
4. Run Windows Update. Let the machine reboot and revert just like it has in the past.
5. After the machine has rebooted and come back up to the desktop, open Process Monitor again. A message box will come up telling you that a log of boot-time activity was created and ask if you wish to save it. Click Yes and save to the BootLog folder on your desktop.
6. This may take some time as it converts the boot-time data. Allow it to finish.
7. Zip up the entire BootLog folder on your desktop and upload to WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free.

Please run the Process Monitor again.

1. Leave this running while you perform the next steps.
2. Try updating the system just like you have in the past.
3. Stop Process Monitor when Windows Update ask for a reboot. You can simply do this by clicking the square (CTRL +E) on the toolbar as shown below.

4. Select the File menu...Save... and save the file to your desktop. This is likely the default location. The name (unless changed) will be LogFile.PML. This is fine.
5. Zip up the LogFile.PML and upload it to WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free and provide the link.

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