[SOLVED] random BSOD

Hello, I just got back. :) I already sent off my laptop to HP earlier. :) I really need to thank you for the time and effort you spent in helping me. A million thanks to you! :D oh and by the way, I checked with HP earlier regarding the brand of my hard drive and turns out I really had Hitachi as my original hdd and somehow got replaced by their who knows technician. I don't know what will happen if I got the unit back a few days from now (I hope it doesn't take that long). I hope I don't encounter anymore bsod as I refused to let them downgrade my laptop back to windows 7. Again, Thank you so much! I will update once I get my laptop back and do some observations.

Believe me, it's my pleasure. Thank you for your unreal cooperation. 81 posts in and still providing fantastic updates!!! Remarkable.

If you get the laptop back and you're still crashing (which is very very unlikely... but in computers, these things can happen), I will still be here until you have a working laptop.


Hello..After several days I finally got my laptop back yesterday. I wasn't able to post since my net was down. :D Hmm unfortunately, HP did not change my HDD saying all of the unit's components passed their burn in tests for several days. :( They said they did not encounter any BSOD and even performed a system recovery back to factory settings then upgrade to my current windows 8 pro. The funny thing is, few minutes after restarting my laptop while it was installing its updates from microsoft it crashed. :( So I checked the minidump folder to see the crash report and turns out aside from my crash, two other crash dumps were there which dated 07/17/13. Looks like HP's not entirely honest. I will upload the minidumps later when I get home. I hope they're consistent with our theory of HDD failure so I can start saving up for a new one.

Okay, well, obviously HP is not telling the truth here. Either that, or they performed all of the tests on Windows 7 as the OS, everything passed, upgraded you to Windows 8 and didn't bother testing again. Do you have access to a genuine Windows 7 to install the OS on to see if you have issues? If you do have issues on Windows 7 as well, call them back and tell them what you just told me right here. Tell them they said they got no crashes, but you have two .DMP files from 7/17 which is literal proof that there HAVE been crashes. Nothing is fixed, and demand a repair or replacement. This is not fair customer service.


Hello, actually they have downgraded my unit back to windows 7 before. Back to factory settings and original genuine OS. I still had bsods even in windows 7. :D So I guess windows 8 is not at fault here. I am actually tired of asking them for repair as they keep saying my unit passed their burn in test for several days. That's why I hope my new crash dumps are consistent in telling this might be a hard drive failure so I can buy even a cheap one. :)
The new dumps you attached earlier were *50 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. This indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced.

Usual causes are a bug in a device driver, hardware related memory issues, corrupt NTFS volume or hard disk issue, anti-virus software.

Do you happen to have any new dumps after the ones you attached earlier to see if we are getting any other bugchecks?




In the *A, we have the following:

[COLOR=#ff0000][U][B]Arg1: fffff87ffc9fbad8, memory referenced[/B][/U][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000][U][B]Arg2: 0000000000000008, IRQL[/B][/U][/COLOR]
Arg3: 0000000000000001, bitfield :
    bit 0 : value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
    bit 3 : value 0 = not an execute operation, 1 = execute operation (only on chips which support this level of status)
Arg4: fffff80119e67c76, address which referenced memory

From that, we can see the memory that was referenced and the current IRQ. Let's see if we can find where specifically the reference memory is located~

If we run a kv command we get the following stack trace:

1: kd> kv
Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
fffff880`009fb7f8 fffff801`19e6e769 : 00000000`0000000a fffff87f`fc9fbad8 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000001 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff880`009fb800 fffff801`19e6cfe0 : 00000000`00000001 fffff880`009e7180 00000000`00000000 fffff880`009fb940 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
fffff880`009fb940 fffff801`19e67c76 : fffff880`009e7180 fffff880`009e7180 fffff880`009fbb50 fffffa80`09bfa550 : [COLOR=#ff0000][U][B]nt!KiPageFault+0x260[/B][/U][/COLOR] (TrapFrame @ fffff880`009fb940)
fffff880`009fbad0 fffff801`19e98992 : fffff880`009e7180 fffff880`009e7180 00000000`00000000 fffff880`009f2e40 : nt!KiInterruptDispatch+0x1d6 (TrapFrame @ fffff880`009fbad0)
fffff880`009fbc60 00000000`00000000 : fffff880`009fc000 fffff880`009f6000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiIdleLoop+0x32

The important thing to note here is the pagefault as I bolded and underlined. Page faults can't be handled by MmAccessFault (memory manager's fault handler) when the IRQL is 2 or higher (ours is 8 in this dump) and becomes an illegal operation.

Given we see page faults in the stack traces on A* dumps, as well as *50 bugchecks, I still strongly believe we have a faulty HDD here. Page faults can occur for a variety of reasons, however, one of those reasons is hard disk related and since you have failed the Seatools short test, etc... it is more than likely still hard disk. I have no idea what kind of 'burn tests' HP does???? But if you failed Seatools' short test, not too sure what they did....

Do you have access to another hard disk to test at this moment? If not, it's still worth replacing. If I am wrong at this point I will shoot myself in the foot :lolg:


Okay. I sincerely thank you for this. :D Unfortunately I don't have access to another disk :D I may have an idea on the burn tests of HP as I have a burn in test folder here with bit.exe application inside but have not run it. :D there are also other applications inside like coretemp, etc. I will start looking for a new HDD since HP won't replace mine even when the problem is right in front of them. Yes and I'm still failing seatools' short test. Don't worry you don't need to shoot yourself in the foot :D I believe you more than I believe them. I'm getting tired of their service anyway. So long to my active warranty. hehehe! thank you again for everything sir Patrick.
Hello Sir Patrick, I just need some advice. Some HP dude called me and told me to email all the crash dumps I have. They had it analyzed for several days and said almost everything is kernel failure indicating CPU problem. Isn't the CPU an integrated part of the motherboard? I've read that removing the cpu may damage my mobo. Anyway I'm also just updating my case just in case other people read topic so they might pick up some ideas if they are having the same problem. :)

I personally don't see anything from your dumps that would indicate a CPU issue whatsoever, but I could be wrong. Have you gotten the new hard disk and installed it and if so, how does the system behave?

I wouldn't touch the CPU until you have the replacement hard disk installed.


Actually I still don't have the replacement hard disk as I am still saving up some budget. :D but right now they just e-mailed me to bring my unit back to the service for cpu repair I don't know if they are planning to replace it but I don't see any other way of repairing the cpu. Actually I have a WHEA noncorrectable dump and googling it and doing some reading it's more of a thermal issue in my hardware. I've checked my hardware temp using Open hardware monitor and shows my cpu temp is 45-55 degrees (idle) 65 degrees when playing games (torchlight II) and hard disk at 39 degrees. :D Thanks for the advice Sir Patrick!
WHEA noncorrectable dump

Oh, well now that you mention this...

Do you have any more than 1? Or just 1. Regardless, post any 0x124 WHEA dumps you have. I'd like to take a look.


Hello, I'm sorry but I can't sort out my dumps and fine the ones specific for WHEA..I've had two crashes with WHEA. I have my new dumps here and somewhere in these dumps are the two WHEA. sorry.. Minidumps(2).rar

Ha, took a sec, but I found a 124. I couldn't find the other unless I missed it, but I looked again and couldn't find it.

A fatal hardware error has occurred. Parameter 1 identifies the type of error
source that reported the error. Parameter 2 holds the address of the
WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure that describes the error conditon.
Arg1: 0000000000000000, Machine Check Exception
Arg2: fffffa8006bac028, Address of the WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure.
Arg3: 00000000be200000, High order 32-bits of the MCi_STATUS value.
Arg4: 000000000005110a, Low order 32-bits of the MCi_STATUS value.

If we run an !errrec on the 2nd parameter (address of the WHEA ERROR RECORD structure) we get the following:

Section 2     : x86/x64 MCA
Descriptor    @ fffffa8006bac138
Section       @ fffffa8006bac2c0
Offset        : 664
Length        : 264
Flags         : 0x00000000
Severity      : Fatal

[COLOR=#ff0000][U][B]Error         : GCACHEL2_ERR_ERR (Proc 3 Bank 5)[/B][/U][/COLOR]
  Status      : 0xbe2000000005110a
  Address     : 0x00000000fa964740
  Misc.       : 0x00000071e102c086

Seems to be an L2 cache error. I would really need to see another 0x124 to make a call for sure as to whether this was caused by the CPU itself, or another hardware issue.

Can you do me a favor and run Prime95 and if the system crashes, post the dump asap?

Free Software - GIMPS

Torture Test / Blend. Run for as long as you have to (or stop it at 8-9 hours) until the system crashes. This shouldn't crash the system btw, this will stress your computer. I am telling you to run it as it will hopefully generate another 0x124.


That's weird..I'm sure I have two WHEA error but okay I will run the prime95 and see what happens. :) thank you Sir Patrick! I couldn't join the option to join GIMPS as my internet is kind of unstable right now so I just chose Just stress testing and used the blend option. Is that ok?
Hello, I just had a BSOD but it wasn't WHEA, rather it's a DPC watchdog violation. I finally remember why my 2nd WHEA was missing, when that crash happened my laptop got stuck at collecting data 55% for over an hour an I just had to do a reset by holding the power button. Maybe the dump wasn't saved. :D

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